All Pokemon Legends: Arceus Requests and how to complete them
Tick off every one of the requests in Pokemon Legends: Arceus with our help

- Request 1
- Request 2
- Request 3
- Request 4
- Request 5
- Request 6
- Request 7
- Request 8
- Request 9
- Request 10
- Request 11
- Request 12
- Request 13
- Request 14
- Request 15
- Request 16
- Request 17
- Request 18
- Request 19
- Request 20
- Request 21
- Request 22
- Request 23
- Request 24
- Request 25
- Request 26
- Request 27
- Request 28
- Request 29
- Request 30
- Request 31
- Request 32
- Request 33
- Request 34
- Request 35
- Request 36
- Request 37
- Request 38
- Request 39
- Request 40
- Request 41
- Request 42
- Request 43
- Request 44
- Request 45
- Request 46
- Request 47
- Request 48
- Request 49
- Request 50
- Request 51
- Request 52
- Request 53
- Request 54
- Request 55
- Request 56
- Request 57
- Request 58
- Request 59
- Request 60
- Request 61
- Request 62
- Request 63
- Request 64
- Request 65
- Request 66
- Request 67
- Request 68
- Request 69
- Request 70
- Request 71
- Request 72
- Request 73
- Request 75
- Request 75
- Request 76
- Request 77
- Request 78
- Request 79
- Request 80
- Request 81
- Request 82
- Request 83
- Request 84
- Request 85
- Request 86
- Request 87
- Request 88
- Request 89
- Request 90
- Request 91
- Request 94
The Pokemon Legends: Arceus Requests are essentially the game's sidequests, and offer something a little different to the game's main Missions. Here's how to solve each one, including where to catch any necessary Pokemon.
Of course, you can also refer to our complete Pokemon Legends: Arceus Pokedex guide too for more information on any of the creatures found in the game.
Request 1
Request 1 - Wurmple Can Evolve
Solution: Catch a Wurmple, which are found in Horseshoe Plains, Floaro Gardens, and The Heartwood areas of the Obsidian Fieldlands.
Request 2
Request 2 - Adorable Starly
Solution: Catch a Starly, which are found in the Aspiration Hill, Horseshoe Plains, Windswept Run, and Tidewater Dam areas of the Obsidian Fieldlands. They're also found in the Ginkgo Landing and Deadwood Haunt areas of the Cobalt Coastlands.
Request 3
Request 3 - What Did Shinx's Ears Look Like?
Solution: Catch a Shinx, which are found in Aspiration Hill, Floaro Gardens, and Oreburrow Tunnel within Obsidian Fieldlands, and the Sonorous Path of the Coronet Highlands.
Request 4
Request 4 - Big Buizel, Little Buizel
Solution: Catch a Buizel over 2'8" tall. There's nowhere that guarantees an extra large Buizel, so check out Horseshoe Plains, Windswept Run, and Worn Bridge at Obsidian Fieldlands, or Aipom Hill and Bathers' Lagoon in the Cobalt Coastlands.
Request 5
Request 5 - What It Takes to Be Awesome
Solution: Give him five Poke Balls.
Request 6
Request 6 - Mushroom Cake Marketing
Solution: Give Morel a Springy Mushroom.
Request 7
Request 7 - Playing with Drifloon
Solution: Investigate the Drifloon at Prelude Beach (Jubilife Village) at Night, and then report back.
Request 8
Request 8 - Bothersome Bidoof
Solution: Find the three Bidoof around Jubilife Village. Locations above.
Request 9
Request 9 - Zubat's Eyes
Solution: Show her a Zubat, which is found in multiple locations across Hisui (aside from the Cobalt Coastlands), but only at night / in caves.
Request 10
Request 10 - Wurmple’s Evolved!
Solution: Bring Beauregard a Silcoon. It's available in the Floaro Gardens and Heartwood areas of the Obsidian Fieldlands.
Request 11
Request 11 - The Timbre of the Fields
Solution: Complete Kricketot's Pokedex page and show it to her. Kricketot is found in the Deertrack Path, Nature's Pantry, and Windswept Ruin areas of the Obsidian Fieldlands, or in the Golden Lowlands, and Cloudpool Ridge areas of the Crimson Mirelands.
Request 12
Request 12 - A Perfect Pickling Stone
Solution: Bring Radisa a Geodude. It's found all over Hisui, bar the Alabaster Icelands regions and is easy to find.
Request 13
Request 13 - Trees that Bear Berries
Solution: Bring Bjorn three Cheri Berries, found by shaking trees with berries on.
Request 14
Request 14 - Berry Helpful
Solution: Bring Andra five Oran Berries, found by shaking berry trees around the world.
Request 15
Request 15 - Balloon Race in the Fieldlands
Solution: Burst 17 Balloons on the course.
Request 16
Request 16 - Strange Happenings at Midnight
Solution: Investigate Sanqua's house at night.
Request 17
Request 17 - To Bloom or Not to Bloom
Solution: Complete the Pokedex entry for Cherrim and show it to Kichi. Cherrim is found in shaking trees in The Heartland of the Obsidian Fieldlands, and the Gapejaw Bog in Crimson Mirelands. It's also found - again in trees - in the Lonely Spring, Fabled Spring, and Primeval Grotto locales of the Coronet Highlands.
Request 18
Request 18 - Please! Make Me a Pokeshi Doll
Solution: Craft a Pokeshi Doll, which is made from 3 Wood.
Request 19
Request 19 - A Peculiar Ponyta
Solution: Catch the blue Shiny Ponyta on Horseshoe Plains in the Obsidian Fieldlands.
Request 20
Request 20 - The Mysterious Will-o'-the-Wisp
Solution: Catch the Chimchar found in the marked tree on Windswept Run in the Obsidian Fieldlands at night to show to Paira.
Request 21
Request 21 - Back-Alley Mr. Mime
Solution: Find the Mr. Mime in Jubilife Village, and then keep following it around town. It'll put up invisible walls that'll stop you reaching it so just work around until you find the way through the invisible maze.
Request 22
Request 22 - Eerie Apparitions in the Night
Solution: Find all 107 Pokemon Legends: Arceus Wisps. Check out our guide to finding every one and how to get the reward using that link.
Request 23
Request 23 - Getting Ahold of New Wares
Solution: Give 3 Hearty Grains to Tao Hua at Galaxy Hall
Request 24
Request 24 - Inspiration from Hippopotas
Solution: Catch and male and female Hippopotas to show to Vessa. These are found in the Sludge Mound and Scarlet Bog areas of the Crimson Mirelands, or on the Celestica Trail in the Coronet Highlands.
Request 25
Request 25 - The Pokemon in the Woodland Photo
Solution: Bring Dagero a Buneary, which is found in The Heartwood area of the Obsidian Fieldlands.
Request 26
Request 26 - Aim for the Big Leagues!
Solution: Score 10,000 points or more in the target practice challenge.
Request 27
Request 27 - Help Wanted: Plowing the Fields
Solution: Give Miller any Ground Type Pokemon
Request 28
Request 28 - Measuring Your Compatibility
Solution: Show Belamy a Pokemon that's friendly towards you.
Request 29
Request 29 - The Search for Bitter Leaves
Solution: Catch a Petalil for Anise, which is found in the Cottonsedge Prairie and Holm of Trials areas of the Crimson Mirelands.
Request 30
Request 30 - A Beautiful Rose...
Solution: Complete Roselia's Pokedex page and show it to Berra. Roselia is found in the Gapejaw Bog and Cloudpool Ridge areas of the Crimson Mirelands, and the Fabled Spring of the Coronet Highlands.
Request 31
Request 31 - Setting Up the Bogbound Camp
Solution: Defeat the three Stunky.
Request 32
Request 32 - The Headache-Stricken Psyduck
Solution: Fetch some medicine from the woman in the Medical Corps at the Galaxy Hall in Jubilife Village and bring it to Martia's Psyduck
Request 33
Request 33 - What a Massive Mushroom
Solution: Catch a Parasect for Morel and show it to him. Parasect are found all over the Crimson Mirelands, in the Nature's Pantry area of the Obsidian Fieldns, at Windbreak Stand in the Cobalt Coastlands, and in the Heavenward Lookout and Wayward Wood zones of the Coronet Highlands.
Request 34
Request 34 - Croagunk's Curative Poison
Solution: Catch a Croagunk for Pesselle. It's found at the Gapejaw Bog, Scarlet Bog, and Holm of Trials in the Crimson Mirelands.
Request 35
Request 35 - Battling with Pachirisu
Solution: Win the battle using only Pachirisu. It's found in the Droning Meadow area of the Crimson Mirelands.
Request 36
Request 36 - Watering with Care
Solution: Donate a Pokemon that knows Water Pulse to the Bogbound Camp in the Crimson Mirelands.
Request 37
Request 37 - The Fragrance of Nostalgic Herbs
Solution: Catch Risa a Tangela, which is found in Gapejaw Bog in the Crimson Mirelands, or on Crossing Slope in the Cobalt Coastlands.
Request 38
Request 38 - Gone the Mirelands
Solution: Find Wanda in the Crimson Mirelands. Location above.
Request 39
Request 39 - All about Magikarp
Solution: Show Ceci the completed Pokedex page for Magikarp. You can find them at the Obsidian Falls and around Lake Verity in the Obsidian Fieldlands, or at the Fabled Spring in the Coronet Highlands.
Request 40
Request 40 - The Charm Lost in the Swamp
Solution: Find Yojiro's lost cham in the swamps of the Crimson Mirelands. Location above.
Request 41
Request 41 - An Elegant Tail
Solution: Catch Asabei a Glameow, which are found in Crossing Slope and Veilstone Cape in the Cobalt Coastlands, or on Glacier Terrace in the Alabaster Icelands.
Request 42
Request 42 - Help Wanted: Watering the Fields
Solution: Bring Miller a Water Type Pokemon.
Request 43
Request 43 - More New Wares
Solution: Give Tao Hau in Galaxy Hall at Jubilife Village a Pop Pod (found mainly on the Cobalt Coastlands shorelines).
Request 44
Request 44 - The Pokemon in the Nighttime Photo
Solution: Bring Dagero a Duskull. These are found in Deadwood Haunt on the Cobalt Coastlands, or on the Avalanche Slopes or Arena's Approach areas of the Alabaster Icelands. Duskull can only be caught at night.
Request 45
Request 45 - Shellos of the East and West
Solution: Bring Anthe a pink and blue Shellos. Pink Shellos can be found on Sandgem Flats or Ramanas Island within the Obsidian Fieldlands. Blue Shellos can be found in Tranquilty Cove and in Seagrass Haven in the Cobalt Coastlands.
Request 46
Request 46 - Setting Up the Coastlands Camp
Solution: Find the missing Yorrich, who's location is marked above.
Request 47
Request 47 - Balloon Race in the Coastlands
Solution: Burst at least 24 balloons in the race
Request 48
Request 48 - The Taste of Home
Solution: Give Floaro 3 Hearty Grains, 2 Hopo Berries, and 1 Razz Berry
Request 49
Request 49 - Keep an Eye Out for Aipom
Solution: Chase down the Aipom thieves.
Request 50
Request 50 - Double the Tails, Double the Fun
Request 51
Request 51 - Coming Up Roses
Solution: Catch Hiemo a Scyther, which is found in the Grandtree Arena area of the Obsidian Fieldlands, or in the Primeval Grotto in the Coronet Highlands.
Solution: Catch Netta a Finneon, which is found in Seagrass Haven in the Cobalt Coastlands.
Request 52
Request 52 - Eevee's Evolutions
Solution: Find Floaro's missing Eevee, who has evolved into an Umbreon and can be found in the Galaxy HQ 1st Floor in the left hand room.
Request 53
Request 53 - Octillery's Ink
Solution: Show Radisa the completed Pokedex page for Octillery. This can be found in the Castaway Shore and Islespy Shore areas of the Cobalt Coastlands.
Request 54
Request 54 - Serving Up Swap Snacks
Solution: Find Bonn 1 Sootfoot Root, 1 Springy Mushroom, and 1 Hopo Berry.
Request 55
Request 55 - Poor, Peckish Piplup
Solution: Give Maris a Bean Cake that you've crafted, the recipe for which can be purchased from the Craftworks in Jubilife Village.
Request 56
Request 56 - Getting Help from Machoke
Solution: Show Bosley the complete Pokedex page for Machoke. You can catch them in Obsidian Falls in the Obsidian Fieldlands, Castaway Shore in the Cobalt Coastlands.
It's also available in several locations in Coronet Highlands and Alabaster Icelands too.
Request 57
Request 57 - The Taste of Honey
Solution: Bring Almous a Combee from Ramanas Island.
Request 58
Request 58 - Gone Astray... in the Coastlands
Solution: Find Manda again, this time in the Cobalt Coastlands. Location marked above.
Request 59
Request 59 - Misdreavus the Hairstyle Muse
Solution: Show Arezu a Misdreavus, which can be found in the Coronet Highlands (Stonetooth Rows, Sacred Plaza, Celestica Ruins) and in the Bonechill Wastes of the Alabaster Icelands.
Request 60
Request 60 - Help Wanted: Rock Smashing in the Fields
Solution: Donate any Pokemon that knows Rock Smash to Miller.
Request 61
Request 61 - Even More New Wares
Solution: Give Tao Hua in the Galaxy Hall 3 Crunchy Salt
Request 62
Request 62 - The Pokemon in the River Photo
Solution: Bring Dagero a Turtwig, which can be found at the Droning Meadow in the Crimson Mirelands.
Request 63
Request 63 - Fancy, Fashionable Wormadam
Solution: Bring Anthe a Wormadam. They can be found in various forms hiding in trees across Hisui.
Request 64
Request 64 - Getting to Know Ghosts
Solution: Show Ward the completed Pokedex entry for Gastly. The Ghost Type can only be found at night, but in several locations across the Crimson Mirelands and Coronet Highlands, as well as in the Bonechill Wastes of the Alabaster Icelands.
Request 65
Request 65 - Setting Up the Mountain Camp
Solution: Find the Bronzor's friend, who's location is marked above.
Request 66
Request 66 - The Sea's Legend
Solution: This is the most complicated Request in the game, so head over to our full Pokemon Legends: Arceus Sea's Legend guide for the full walkthrough.
Request 67
Request 67 - The Clefairy's Moonlit Dance
Solution: Investigate what Clefairy get up to in the Fabled Spring in the Coronet Highlands during a full moon. Make sure to rest at camp 'until nightfall' until you've got the full moon. Then report back to Astair.
Request 68
Request 68 - The Sea's Legend
Solution: Donate a Nosepass to Gully. It can be found in the Celestica Ruins and Primeval Grotto areas of the Coronet Highlands.
Request 69
Request 69 - Gone the Highlands
Solution: Find Wanda (again). Her new location is marked above.
Request 70
Request 70 - Colorful New Looks
Solution: Bring Anthe one Blue, Red, and Green shard. These items can only be found inside Space-Time Distortions.
Request 71
Request 71 - New Wares Yet Again
Solution: Bring the ever greedy Tao Hua in the Galaxy Hall 3 Sand Radishes.
Request 72
Request 72 - Peselle's Easy Errand
Solution: Bring 100 Medicinal Leeks to Peselle. You can't buy them so you'll have to collect them manually. It's not even a good reward, so only do this if you're a real completionist.
Request 73
Request 73 - Who's the Real Burmy?
Solution: Bring Leif and his "friends" all three of Burmy's forms to them, along with completing Burmy's Pokedex entry. Burmy can be found in wobbling trees all over Hisui and tend to drop somewhat at random.
Request 75
Request 74 - A Bit of Help from Blissey
Solution: Help Pippa reunite with a Blissey by battling an Abomasnow.
Request 75
Request 75 - Kirlia the Hairstyle Muse
Solution: Catch a Kirlia for Arezu. It can be found in the Shrouded Ruins in the Crimson Mirelands, or at Heart's Crag and the Snowpoint Temple areas of the Alabaster Icelands.
Request 76
Request 76 - Mushroom Hunting with Swinub
Solution: Arm yourself with a Swinub (available in the Bonechill Wasts, Avalugg's Legacy, and Avalance Slopes areas of the Alabaster Icelands). Then use it to help Morel find mushrooms.
Request 77
Request 77 - Gone the Fieldlands
Solution: Wanda's ... wandered... off again, and this time she can be found at the location above.
Request 78
Request 78 - Setting Up the Icepeak Camp
Solution: Find Craig, who's just across the river on the other side of the falls to Brice.
Request 79
Request 79 - Balloon Race in the Icelands
Solution: Pop at least 30 balloons in the race.
Request 80
Request 80 - The Perfect Pickle Recipe
Solution: Bring Radisa 2 Crunchy Salt, 2 Plump Beans, and 2 Two King's Leaf.
Request 81
Request 81 - In Search of a Fiery Pokemon
Solution: Donate a Fire Type Pokemon to Brice.
Request 82
Request 82 - Traces of a Lost Village
Solution: Just follow the waypoints the game gives you and you'll learn about a sweet slice of history.
Request 83
Request 83 - Snow-White Vulpix in the Snow
Solution: For this you'll have to find all 5 Pokemon Legends: Arceus Alolan Vulpix, who have hidden themselves away in the snow of the Avalanche Slopes area of the Alabaster Icelands. Locations above.
Request 84
Request 84 - The Bermite Enthusiast
Solution: Complete the Pokedex entry for Bergmite and show it to the supposed superfan Dominia.
Request 85
Request 85 - A Home Under the Eaves
Solution: Just follow the waypoints and you'll unravel a cute story about this Chimecho.
Request 86
Request 86 - Gone the Icelands
Solution: Wanda's not lost this time, her brother Zeke is. You can find him at the location above.
Request 87
Request 87 - Rolling with Spheal
Solution: Follow the hill down from Senki and keep discovering Spheal until you reach the bottom.
Request 88
Request 88 - Steely Lucario
Solution: Battle the Lucario and win.
Request 89
Request 89 - The Diamond's Clan Treasure
Solution: Battle Adaman and win. You'll get the Adamant Crystal as a reward, which allows you to change Dialga's form.
Request 90
Request 90 - The Pearl Clan's Treasure
Solution: Battle Iridia and win. You'll get the Lustrous Globe as a reward, which allows you to change Palkia's form.
Request 91
Request 91 - On the Trail of Girantina
Solution: Track down and catch Girantina. It's found in the Turnback Cave, which is the cave location near the Spring
Request 94
Request 94 - Incarnate Forces of Hisui
Solution: Catch Tonadus, Thundrus and Landorus. They are available only in the following locations:
- Landorus - On Ramanas Island in the Obsidian Fieldlands.
- Thundurus - In the waters of Cobalt Coastlands, only during Thunderstorms.
- Tornadus - In the Bonechill Wastes area of Alabaster Icelands, only during blizzards
You'll also have to complete the Pokedex for each one before going back to Cogita.
However, when you've done that, she'll then throw you a curveball by asking you to catch Enamorus and complete its Pokedex entry. This can be found in the Scarlet Bog in the Crimson Mirelands - no specific weather conditions required.
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Sam Loveridge is the Brand Director and former Global Editor-in-Chief of GamesRadar. She joined the team in August 2017. Sam came to GamesRadar after working at TrustedReviews, Digital Spy, and Fandom, following the completion of an MA in Journalism. In her time, she's also had appearances on The Guardian, BBC, and more. Her experience has seen her cover console and PC games, along with gaming hardware, for a decade, and for GamesRadar, she's in charge of the site's overall direction, managing the team, and making sure it's the best it can be. Her gaming passions lie with weird simulation games, big open-world RPGs, and beautifully crafted indies. She plays across all platforms, and specializes in titles like Pokemon, Assassin's Creed, The Sims, and more. Basically, she loves all games that aren't sports or fighting titles! In her spare time, Sam likes to live like Stardew Valley by cooking and baking, growing vegetables, and enjoying life in the countryside.