Uncharted 4 set for full E3 reveal... and 7 other hot rumors from the week

This week in Rumors
Its going to be one blinding E3 this year if even half of the rumors creeping their way online turn out to be true. All three platform holders and even a few major third parties will have huge surprises in store for the show, but Sony in particular is rumored to be bringing a boatload of crowd pleasers.
Among the highlights of what could be at E3; an open-world Halo 5, unveilings for Mass Effect 4, the new Deux Ex, and The Last Guardian on PS4, plus plenty of current-to-next-gen ports (aside from The Last of Us) and perhaps even a look at a very special new IP from the guys who make Killzone. E3 isnt for another four weeks yet, but this is where things start to get really interesting...

Mass Effect 4, next-gen Deus Ex at E3
The Rumor: A new Deus Ex game for high-end consoles and PC will be unveiled at E3 in June, as will the long-awaited new Mass Effect game. Gamingbolt cites NeoGAF poster and apparently known "industry insider" Ahsan Rasheed, aka Thuway, as the source of the whispers.
Our Take: We cant vouch for the credibility of the rumor, but such speculation isn't exactly pushing the boat out--Eidos Montreal confirmed in October 2013 they the studio was knee-deep in development for a next-gen Deus Ex, with much of the core team behind 2011's Deus Ex: Human Revolution working on it. Meanwhile BioWare Montreal studio director Yanick Roy said earlier this month that the new Mass Effect game is already "somewhere in the middle" stage of development. So we wouldn't at all surprised to see either of these next month.

Halo 5 will be open world, due for E3 unveiling
The Rumor: Microsoft Studio 343 Industries played it safe with Halo 4, its debut Halo title after inheriting the series from Bungie. With that having gone down well, however, it is said to be being far bolder with its second foray. According to reports, Halo 5 will be more open world than previous entrees in the series. It is also said that the game is ready for a massive E3 unveiling next month.
Our Take: This is the big one. Microsoft offered only a brief CGI teaser trailer for Halo 5 at last years E3, which really didnt reveal anything about the game. One year on, were hoping the firm has a lot more to show. What will be really interesting is news of a release date; Halo 5 was announced for a 2014 release. Microsoft has deflected numerous rumors that the game has suffered a delay into 2015 which, at this point, seems likely. Will the firm come clean at E3 or surprise us all with a firm 2014 release date?

Gran Turismo 6, GoW Ascension bound for PS4
The Rumor: Sonys keenness to drag worthy PS3 titles kicking and screaming into the next-gen era will continue at E3, according to numerous reports. Apparently, Gran Turismo 6 is on its way to the PS4, rebranded as a Gran Turismo 7 Prologue with boosts to both its visuals and content, including new tracks and DLC. Another source claims Kratos final PS3 quest, God of War: Ascension, is also set for a PS4 revival.
Our Take: We were as disappointed as many GT fans that GT6 wasnt a cross-gen release, so a GT6 PS4 port now would be very welcome. The bad news is, the rumor claims a mid-late 2015 release. As for GoW: Ascension, hands up if youd rather see a PS4 port of GoW 3 instead?

Mario Kart 8 Steelbook Edition revealed for Germany
The Rumor: Trusty old Amazon has outed a previously unannounced Mario Kart 8 Steelbook Edition, which comes in a snazzy metal case for same price as the regular version. Thats all well and good, but the bad news is its only currently listed on the German arm of Amazon, and as an Amazon.de exclusive.
Our Take: Gamers--particularly long time Nintendo collectors--can be suckers for a nice, shiny box. And for the same price as the regular game its a no-brainer. So itll be a real shame if Nintendo and Amazon keep this confined to our European friends.

Guerrilla Games new PS4 title is open world
The Rumor: As we already know, Killzone developer Guerrilla Games is deep into development on a new IP thats said to be very different from Killzone. New information trickling out from supposed insiders this week claims the game will be open world, which would certainly set it apart from the dead linear nature of the Killzone games. The game will be shown at E3, apparently.
Our Take: The source of the information is a tipster with a supposed track record of leaking Sony-related info. Well see if he/she remains on track at E3 next month, but with Guerrillas executive producer Angie Smets having confirmed that the game has already been in development for over two and a half years, it is about time the developer shows us what its got.

Uncharted 4, new God of War, new WipeOut due for E3 unveiling
The Rumor: Sonys packing some serious heat for E3 this year, according to reports. Among numerous rumors pertaining to Sonys E3 press conference, it is claimed that a number of major titles, both currently announced and unannounced, will be showcased, including Uncharted 4, a new God of War game, a new WipeOut entry and, most far-reaching of all, a teaser trailer for a sequel to The Last of Us.
Our Take: Its hard not to get all bouncy and excited over the prospect of so many awesome reveals in one E3 briefing. Uncharted 4 was confirmed for PS4 in November 2013, so Naughty Dog could be easily ready to show more. Its been over a year since the last God of War game, so a sequel is possible. WipeOuts been dormant on home consoles for while. As for a The Last of Us sequel, well, thats a big claim and one wed take with an almighty pinch of salt. If it happens though, Microsoft will have a hard time topping Sony this year.

GTA 5s next-gen will finally be confirmed at E3
The Rumor: The next-gen-GTA 5 rumor just wont go away, and this time the word is the much-talked-about port will finally show up at E3. Reports claim that the game will be confirmed during Sonys E3 briefing, if not by Rockstar itself then by Sony on their behalf.
Our Take: We hope they announce next-gen GTA 5, if only so that we stop hearing rumors about it. On a more positive note, though, if Rockstar can bring the game to high-end consoles with a nice visual buff and perhaps a few new interesting bits of content, it would surely be a winner.

Sony Japan Studio to reveal The Last Guardian PS4, two others
The Rumor: Sonys Japan Studio is a very busy place, if rumors are to be believed. According to a report, the Japanese developer is finally ready to uncover the eternally delayed The Last Guardian, this time apparently for PS4. This is set to make an E3 debut next to one or two more games, one currently known as Project Beast (screenshots for which leaked last week), and possibly another unknown game. Apparently, the studio has a total of five PS4 games in the works, but two will not be shown at E3.
Our Take: It has already been long rumored that The Last Guardian has been re-engineered for a PS4 release, and thanks to last weeks leak, Project Beast also looks like a good bet for E3. If true, itll be exciting to see what else the studio is cooking up, but five PS4 games in development at once is a lofty claim.

Whats your take?
Take a deep breath. Absorb it. Now... what are you most excited for at E3 this year? Which press briefing are you looking forward to most? Are you pleased at the prospect of The Last Guardian getting a PS4 release? And will GTA V on next-gen ever happen? The comments section below is where you spill it.
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