Wayne's World of Tanks... and 9 other games vs film puns
What if games met comedy movies? This.

Yes, we're still using this opening slide
Hello and welcome back to a semi-regular feature where we take a bunch of game-based puns--in this instance, they're all about comedy films--and use our crazy Photoshop skills to tinker with existing box art and make them a reality. We've even included a little description about how we imagine these Frankenstein hybrid games to play.
Sadly, some didn't make the cut. Batman: Arkham City Slickers, Some Like It Hotline Miami, Ferris Bueller's Day-Z, and The Witchers of Eastwick--they were good, but not good enough. If you like what we've done here, please let us know in the comments and we'll make more. For now, though, enjoy--and if you want to get a closer look at our masterful work, just click on the top right of the images to enlarge them.
While you're here, why not have a look at the other Photoshop mash-ups we've made: Games vs TV shows, Games vs Clothes, Games vs Food.

Wayne's World Of Tanks
Described as the 'Most worthy tank simulator' on PC by the marketing guff, Wayne's World Of Tanks seamlessly combines massively multiplayer tank action with low-budget TV broadcasting. We're just not sure how. Includes the scene where Garth sings foxy-lady to that woman in the diner, before vaporizing her with an Armour Piercing Composite Rigid shell. We haven't seen the movie for a few years, but we're pretty sure that all happens.

The Hangoverlord
Medieval strategy comes to Vegas! To celebrate his last weekend of freedom, the Overlord invites hundreds of his closest minions to a Stag weekend in Las Vegas. They party hard, can't remember anything the next day, Mike Tyson's tiger is involved... you know the drill. Rumour has it that Triumph Studios is currently working on a second and third game that both recycle the core motifs of this original game, significantly diluting the humour each time until the end result is barely worth seeing... sorry, we mean playing.

Romancing The Power Stone
Frankly, we can't imagine why anyone wouldn't want to play a game where you can take control of Michael Douglas and whack Danny DeVito over the head with a comedy, over-sized mallet. Imagine playing in the curiously abandoned castle stage, where you need to dive out of the window and wrestle power stones from the jaws of crocodiles before fashioning boots (+10 smooth talking) out of the dead reptile. IMAGINE IT.

Home Alone In The Dark
We imagine this to be one of the toughest, most controversial survival horror games ever made. As a young Macaulay Culkin, you take on the horrific hell-beasts that are threatening to rip New York city in half, by placing toy firetrucks beneath their feet and running around in circles screaming. Includes ice cream gorging mini-game, probably.

Withnail and EyePet
An ill-advised phone-call during Sony's debauched E3 2013 victory party sees Jack Tretton drunkenly demand that the EyePet team create a game based on the classic British comedy Withnail and I. Six months later it's finished. You can use the PS Eye to feed your virtual Withnail booze, and you can shout in his ear to wake him up as he sleeps off a massive hangover. Anyone who pre-orders will automatically receive the Chateau Neuf du Pape pack, which is required to play the game on Finest Wines Known To Humanity difficulty.

Army of Two: The 40th Groundhog Day
Phil Connors is living the same day over and over. Instead of covering the quaint Groundhog Festival in Punxatawny, however, Phil finds himself trapped in an explosive hostage situation with Phil the groundhog as his unlikely partner. We join them on the 40th day, and tension is already running high between the two. Phil Connors has already gotten drunk at the local bowling alley and forgotten to rescue the hostages, and he's becoming increasingly irritated by Groundhog Phil's constant insistence that they can expect six more weeks of winter. SPOILER: at the end of the game the Groundhog gets fist-bumped to death.

Metal Gear Solid 4: Naked Guns of the Patriots
In this director's cut of the cinematic MGS4, Snake is replaced entirely by Frank Drebin of the Los Angeles Police Squad. He spends most of the game bumbling through war-torn environments, knocking enemies into fountains and accidentally setting fire to rugs. During his scrap with the Beauty & Beast unit, Drebin makes a handful of sexist jokes about their beavers, forcing them to retire in embarrassment. The final boss fight sees Drebin fist-fighting Vincent Ludwig on top of a plaster-encased OJ Simpson. Kojima confirmed, off-the-record, that this was his 'Citizen Kane' moment.

Boratchet & Clank
Or to give this game it's full title: Boratchet & Clank: For Make Good Problems With Crack In The Time. This game is a satisfying mixture of platforming action, puzzles, and satirical interviews that expose the dark underbelly of society. Sadly, we hear that the level where Clank pretends to kidnap Pamela Anderson and shake her down for Bolts is being cut from the final game.

This Is Spinal Tapper
This docu-game serves (pun intended) as a sequel to the film. After splitting from the band, Nigel Tufnel gets a job behind a bar in Wrexham. He quickly realises that the pressures of performing night after night in front of thousands of cheering fans is nothing compared to servicing the seemingly infinite beer-quaffing demands of his northern Welsh clientele. In an attempt to make this the toughest game in the world, the developers add an 11th difficulty level.

Teen Wolfenstein
After gaining acceptance at high school, Scott Howard enlists into the army, and is quickly dispatched to Germany. Inexplicably, it's 1941, but this massive time discrepancy is never mentioned. Seriously, Howard just acts like it's the most normal thing in the world, but it still makes more sense than the plot of A Good Day To Die Hard. Anyway, he kills some Nazis, and dunks a giant slice of C4 onto the head of Mecha-Hitler at the end of the game. The world is safe, and Howard himself settles down with a lovely Polish husky that he meets after the war. Inexplicably, the pair marry weeks after meeting, in the late 80s.

Yup, still using this one too
So, you've seen what we've created. You've likely sighed at the awful puns and thought you could do much better. Well, we'd love you to get involved. Why not create your own comedy movie-based gaming puns and show them to us via Twitter. If you're not familiar with Photoshop, just let us know your Games vs comedy film puns in the comments below.
Want to see more episodes in this series? Why not check out our first Mash-up, which features Games vs TV shows. Alternatively why not order up a serving of our Games vs Food feature.

Pac-Man the gritty Metroidvania, inexplicably in the works at Amazon's Secret Level, gets a new launch date and some very dark gameplay

My first 3 hours in Atomfall feel playing Fallout 3 for the first time, and if you don't check it out I'm legally obligated to beat you with a cricket bat

Pac-Man the gritty Metroidvania, inexplicably in the works at Amazon's Secret Level, gets a new launch date and some very dark gameplay

My first 3 hours in Atomfall feel playing Fallout 3 for the first time, and if you don't check it out I'm legally obligated to beat you with a cricket bat