Where to buy a Wii U - How to get the system now that it's selling out
Here's our creative tips on getting Nintendo's latest

Sold out nationwide
New year, new fancy gadgets to spend an arm and a leg on. 2012 sees not only the launch of a new iPhone and the PlayStation Vita, but also the Wii U in what will be the official kickoff of the next generation of consoles. The combination of strong launch releases and the innovative touchscreen pad make November 18 a date to mark on your calendar.
Dont start fantasizing about owning Nintendos latest console too fast though. Preorders for both the available models of the system are selling out quickly or are already gone. Thankfully were here to help: Heres a bunch of ideas that will help you land a Wii U no matter what. Hope youre ready to get a little creative to secure a Wii U.

Scour mom and pop shops, or less conventional stores
Forget about big retailers. Yes, check to see if they have anything just in case. But dont get discouraged when stores like Best Buy or GameStop reveal they dont have what youre looking for because overzealous folk called them the second preorders opened up.
Try for the video game stores that most people may not know about, or smaller retailers. Most cities have at least one independent store to check out, and launch day there will probably be a more intimate affair. Meaning: less people to cut in front of you in line, and ideally less competition for a system. Stores like Sears, Target, or Costco sell video game hardware too, and theyre worth scoping out.

Surviving the camp out
If youre set on buying a console at a retailer or store you dont have a preorder at, then you should feel ready to wait outside the store for at least a day. Two days if youre really serious about it. If youre feeling brave with the airs of dedication (and maybe just a little crazy), a handful of days could work.
Before you head out, make sure you pick the best store for a campout. You should try to go to a store that has a high number of units coming in--call beforehand to ask about this, and head to the store with the most units.
Once youre set on that, you have to pack. You dont have to bring a tent or anything--a sleeping bag will do. Make sure to bring warm clothes, as the nights can get chilly outside. Try to get friends or family members to come by and hang out or deliver food to keep you going. You dont want to get out of line only to find out youve been kicked out. Take some entertainment with you, and some backup batteries or power sources just in case. Then again, dont be afraid to bring out some old fashioned amusement like books. Just dont overdo it: You dont need your entire rock collection with you. That can stay in the box under your bed, trust us.

Using science to conquer eBay
eBay proved to be a popular Wii shopping souk back in 2006, at least for those willing to pony up double the $250 consoles MSRP. Balking at the premium? May we suggest the power of science to raise some fast cash, with little (lasting?) cost to you? Generally not advisable unless you find yourself in demanding circumstances--which must have Wii U falls under--is giving your body to science for experiments to raise enough money for the insane prices on eBay auctions. Were talking like maybe thousands of dollars here.
Theres a number of things you can do here, depending on how badly you want the Wii U. First theres selling your blood. You may also be able to sell your sperm or eggs depending on whether you meet specific criteria, but I dont think can do a quickscope is one of them, FYI. Your local university may also conduct a variety of experiments that would scare anyone that isnt hungry for a Wii U. You can put that third arm you grew after ingesting those experimental pills to good use when playing games online, Im sure.

Craigslist to the rescue
Use Craigslist, its handy. You can sell things there, find odd jobs to raise absurd amounts of money quickly and you can find folks who are reselling their system on day 1. Maybe youre interested in raising those thousands of dollars for an eBay auction, but you dont want to sell your body to science. Thats fine. Its still possible to raise a lot of money in a short period of time if youre cunning.
Scour Craigslists ETC and gigs sections for a bevy of one-time jobs which will help you afford that ridiculously priced Wii U. Make sure that youre not falling for a scam though--sometimes, things that sound too good to be true are. Then again, sometimes you luck out and get jobs like make a phone call for me. Craigslist is also a good place to look for systems instead of retailers. Finally, Craigslist can be used to sell off unneeded items, like your old Wii or perhaps other junk lying around, like an older camera or television. Just know that sometimes, there can be some serious creepers on the site. Stay safe!

Barter like it's 1229 BC
This might sound a little kooky, but you may have no other options: Try bartering your way to a Wii U. On the whole weve transformed into a society that doesnt use the archaic exchange system anymore, but some people are still open to bartering,
A couple of years back there was a man who traded a paperclip all the way up to a house. If he could get a house, you can get a Wii U by bartering. He made sure that he got something a little better every time he traded with someone else: a paperclip became a pen, which became a doorknob, that then became a camping stove--and so on. This took him a whole year to work up to a house, so I think its possible youll be able to do it in less time with some smarts.
Got an old GameBoy brick lying around somewhere, maybe? Now is the time to use it, and again, a website like Craigslist can help. Or, track down those folks who have taken to lamenting their purchase on forums. They'll probably be happy to offload their purchase for some raisins and a skein of yarn. At the very least, bartering might make for a good story (which someone might pay you for!).

Wait it out
If all else fails, wait. Patience is a virtue, yes, but it can also be a reward. Having a little patience might mean that you get a Wii U at a sale somewhere, or give you enough time to raise the money to buy it for a higher price. Its OK to not have something on day one, really. This industry primes you to want the latest and greatest thing, and thats not always in your interest. Its worth taking into perspective that you are a rational human being with willpower who can ignore the hype and buzz if you need to.
Remember: 23 titles are dated for launch day, and the rest of the launch games could come any time between November and March 2013. Its possible that the game youre dying to play wont even be out for a while still, meaning your purchase can wait a while.
If you have a friend that managed to grab a preorder, then you still have access to the system while you get your own. Take advantage of that. Games are always better with friends anyway.

Wii're tapped out, U?
So, what do you think? What would you be willing to do to get a Wii U? Perhaps youve devised some schemes of your own. Make sure to share them in the comments and help some fellow gamers out. Times of desperation, like sold out Wii U preorders, call for solidarity and teamwork. Here is your chance to offer some support. Who knows, maybe youll find a method you hadnt thought of. Or maybe youll find some silly ideas that make your plans sound that much more feasible.
Want more info on the Wii U? Heres five reasons for, and against, picking up a launch day Wii U, and of course, everything you need to know about the Wii U.
Patricia is the former editor-in-chief of Kotaku, where she spent a decade writing and editing. Prior to that, she served as the Culture Editor at Polygon, and as a reporter at The Verge. She specializes in offbeat internet culture stories, along with reports on unbelievable player triumphs.