Who said it: Metal Gear Solid or 50 Shades of Grey?
The answers may surprise you...

50 Shades of Grey Fox
The Metal Gear Solid games are wonderfully in-depth stories. Filled with unique characters and smart ideas, all placed within detailed, well-realised worlds, Metal Gear games are masterclasses in video game making and perfectionism. But sometimes their dialogue is a bit silly. And rude. And a little... over-the-top. Much like the word-guff found in trashy lady-porn book 50 Shades of Grey. See where I'm going with this?
So, I thought it'd be fun to take 10 quotes from both the MGS games and 50 Shades, mix them up, and ask you all to identify where they're from? The following are real quotes from either 50 Shades or MGS, set to calming lifestyle imagery of lovely, shiny people playing video games. Can you correctly guess where all 10 quotes come from? I think you'll struggle.
Highlight the empty area under each quote for the answer.

1. That's it! Hurt me more. Make me feel alive again.
Metal Gear Solid

You dirty whore! I've had enough kisses from you!
Metal Gear Solid 3

3. This is a man in need. His fear is naked and obvious, but he's lost. . . Somewhere in his darkness.
50 Shades of Grey

4. There's a very fine line between pleasure and pain. They are two sides of the same coin, one not existing without the other.
50 Shades of Grey

5. You see, people are just sacks of shit, and they're full of holes.
Metal Gear Solid 3

6. You can do all the thinking you like--but until you actually talk, youre not going to get anywhere.
50 Shades of Grey

7. I've been waiting for you. Now we'll see if the man can live up to the legend.
Metal Gear Solid

8. Hands on your head. We dont have long. This will be quick, and its for me, not you. Do you understand?
50 Shades of Grey

9. I have somehow escaped from my body and am now a casual observer to this unfolding tragedy.
50 Shades of Grey

10. Handle it with care or it won't be of much use to you. Don't think of it as just another box. Treat it with love... Don't be rough. Okay?
Metal Gear Solid 2 (although we wish this was from 50 Shades of Grey...)

Commence Operation Snake Eater!
That's all for now--don't want you all getting too worked up with all the sexy dialogue. How many did you get? All 10? Then you must be a fan of both Metal Gear Solid and 50 Shades of Grey. Well done you. Only scored a few points? Guess you're not really into MGS or S&M. That's probably fine too. Better, in fact.
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