Wii Okami delayed

American readers will have to wait a little bit longer to show off their artistic leanings in Okami, as developer Capcom has told Gamespot that the title has been delayed by three weeks to April 15.

Capcom gave no explanation as to why the title was put back, but fingers are being pointed at developer Ready at War, who's devoting its resources to the PSP's God of War: Chains of Olympus, due this week in the US.

We're more concerned with why there's still no release date for Europe. Three weeks is nothing when compared to a date that's nonexistent.

To compensate readers of both American and European ancestry, we recommend looking belowat the Okami artwork Capcom released yesterday. It's a small consolation, but at least it's something.

Courtesy of CVG.

Mar 4, 2008