The Witcher 3 Places of Power map and locations

Witcher 3 Places of Power
(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

Finding The Witcher 3 Places of Power gets you skill points to level up your magical Signs. These let you boost your magic's potency and unlock new effects to make you more powerful. So knowing where these Places of Power are will help make you a far more powerful witcher.

Our Witcher 3 Places of Power guide has them all listed, with pictures and maps to help you find as many as you can. Follow our pointers and you'll soon be a force to be reackoned with in the world.

White Orchard Places of Power

White Orchard Places of Power

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

White Orchard is where you first start your adventures in the Witcher 3. If you’re starting a completely new game, we’d recommend actually going to find these Places of Power first as they can give you an early edge in future fights. 

1. Aard Place of Power, White Orchard

Aard Place of Power White Orchard

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

This is a Place of Power that’s further up north, and if you’re not careful, can be surrounded by ghouls, or bears and wolves, so be wary with your approach! If you’re brand new to the game, maybe level up before you approach. 

Place of Power White Orchard witcher 3

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

2. Igni Place of Power, White Orchard

Igni Place of Power white orchard

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

Only a hundred or so steps away south from the previous Place of Power, you’ll find the second Place of Power in White Orchard. This one isn’t hard to miss, as it’s right in the middle of the White Orchard cemetery, though do be warned, ghosts may be around to stop you from approaching.

Igni Place of Power witcher 3

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

3. Axii Place of Power, White Orchard

Axii Place of Power white orchard

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

Head west from the White Orchard cemetery to come across the next Place of Power. This Place of Power is located in the forest near the Nilfgardian garrison. You’ll have to head to the garrison during the main quest, so this Place of Power can be avoided until then.

Axii Place of Power witcher 3

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

4. Quen Place of Power, White Orchard

Quen Place of Power white orchard

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

Depending on where you’re coming from, it actually might be better to go to No 4 first. Regardless, this Place of Power is located near a battlefield towards the east. If you come across a locked gate, you’re heading in the right direction and should be able to hear the familiar music of the Place of Power.

Quen Place of Power witcher 3

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

5. Quen Place of Power, White Orchard

Quen Place of Power white orchard

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

You’ll come across the fifth Place of Power in White Orchard by doing the quest ‘The Beast of White Orchard’. At one point you’ll find a griffin’s nest. Walk south from there until you hear Place of Power not too far from the nest. 

Quen Place of Power witcher 3

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

6. Yrden Place of Power, White Orchard

Yrden Place of Power white orchard

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

The sixth Place of Power isn’t too far from the fifth. Head east until you get to an abandoned village, and then turn south until you find a slumbering level 6 bear. By the bear is the Yrden Place of Power.

Yrden Place of Power witcher 3

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

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Velen Places of Power

Velen places of Power

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

Velen is a place full of brutality, so you’ll want to find all the Places of Power possible. Thankfully, there aren't too many Places of Power to get, and most of them you can get pretty early on. 

1. Quen Place of Power, Velen

Quen Place of Power, Velen

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

At the very northern top, to the west of Velen, you’ll come across Lonruk’s island. If you’re looking for the Griffin school of armour you’ll come across this Place of Power anyway, but if not, head north. 

You’ll come across a castle, as well as the drawbridge that’s currently drawn up. Ignore that for now, and jump into the sea below. When you surface, you’ll see that the Quen Place of Power is there waiting for you.

witcher Quen Place of Power, Velen

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

2. Yrden Place of Power, Velen

Yrden Place of Power, Velen

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

This Place of Power can be found during the ‘Magic Lamp’ quest with Keira Metz. Once you solve the mystery during that quest, you’ll be able to gain access below, where you’ll come across the Place of Power, just before fighting a golem. 

If you haven’t accessed the Place of Power during that quest, you can still get to it. Look at the map above where we have located the entrance to the cavern where you’ll be able to find the Place of Power.

Witcher Yrden Place of Power, Velen

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

3. Aard Place of Power, Velen

Aard Place of Power, Velen

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

This Place of Power is right at the very southernmost of Velen, where bogs, trolls, drowners are aplenty. Finding this Place of Power isn’t all that hard as it sticks out like a sore thumb. Just head straight to the very edge of the bog, and you’ll see it.

witcher 3 Aard Place of Power, Velen

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

4. Yrden Place of Power, Velen

Yrden Place of Power, Velen

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

This Place of Power is not too far from the town Downwarren. So if you want to get ahead on things, we recommend going there first. Go west out of the village, breaking off from the road once you get to a forest-like area. 

Keep going and you’ll see a small hill. Head up there, making sure to climb as best as you can, and you’ll see the Yrden Place of Power in front of you. All you’ll need to do is make a quick hop over to get there.

witcher 3 Yrden Place of Power, Velen

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

5. Igni Place of Power, Velen

Igni Place of Power, velen

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

This Place of Power isn’t too difficult to get, and if you’ve completed the quest ‘The Whispering Hillock’ you won’t even need to deal with the level 8 werewolf trying to rip you to pieces while exploring. We consider that a win. 

If you have a fast travel signpost called ‘The Ancient Oak’, head there as it’s the fastest way to get to the Place of Power. It’s hard to explain exactly where it is as there are a ton of trees everywhere in this location, so we’ve pinpointed it on the map for you.

witcher 3 Igni Place of Power velen

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

6. Quen Place of Power, Velen

Quen Place of Power, velen

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

The Quen Place of Power isn’t accessible until you complete the main story quest ‘Bald Mountain’. We’ve pinpointed where the entrance is all the same if you want to get sneaky and try to climb over the wall, but we don’t recommend it. 

witcher 3 6 Quen Place of Power velen

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

Novigrad Places of Power

Novigrad Places of Power

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

Novigrad is the easiest location for Place of Power. Simply because there’s only two of them to get, and neither are particularly hard to find, making it two easy skill points to add to your arsenal. 

1. Igni Place of Power, Novigrad

place of power Elector’s Square novigrad

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

If you’ve already been to Novigrad and unlocked the Elector’s Square signpost, you’ll have access to the Igni Place of Power in no time. If not, just head to Novigrad and keep heading north until you reach the upper section of the city. Head into the square, turn east and you should see the Igni Place of Power on top of a small, narrow hillside. Just make sure you don’t fall…

Novigrad square place of power

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

2. Axii Place of Power, Novigrad

Axii Place of Power, Novigrad

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

The Axii Place of Power is outside of the city, but is in the Novigrad region. Head southeast until you find a small village called Alness. Once there, keep going southeast until you see a small mountain, with the Axii place of power sat on top. You’ll need to climb to get to it, but anything is worth an extra skill point.

meirsdorf meadow place of power

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

Skellige Places of Power

Skellige Places of Power

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

Skellige isn’t a walk in the park when it comes to Place of Power. If you thought Velen was bad when it came to monsters, then Skellige is something else entirely. Even worse, you’ll have to use your boat a lot to get to the Places of Power, which can be a real hassle. But remember, do it for the skill points!

1. Igni Place of Power, Skellige

Igni Place of Power, Skellige

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

For your first Place of Power, you’re already getting on a boat and heading to the western isles. Once you arrive, head towards a town called Svorlag, which is one of the only towns on the island. 

Once there, you’ll see a trail that leads up to the mountains. Follow it until you come across an abandoned, falling apart building and climb the rocks up there to rejoin the path at the mountain. There you’ll find the Igni Place of Power.

Witcher 3 Svorlag place of power

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

2, Quen Place of Power, Skellige

Quen Place of Power, Skellige

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

Now that you’ve gone to the west, it’s time to head to the east! You’ll want to head further east to gain access to this Place of Power, so we recommend either starting at Urialla Harbor or the Trail to Yngvar’s Fang. 

Once you’re there, follow the trail up towards the mountain. There will be enemies, such as rock trolls and sirens, even an occasional giant. Once dealt with, just keep following the trail until you come across the Quen Place of Power.

Place of power Urialla Harbor Yngvar’s Fang

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

3. Quen Place of Power, Skellige

Quen Place of Power kaer trolde map

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

This is arguably the most important Place of Power due to how it’s very easy to skip, depending on the choices you make. To gain this Place of Power, you’ll need to side with Cerys during the quest, ‘The King’s Gambit’ and investigate the secret tunnels that she’ll lead you through. As you make your way through, you’ll come across this Place of Power almost immediately. If you do not side with Cerys, however, you will not be able to get to this place of power. 

kaer trolde Quen Place of Power

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

4. Igni Place of Power, Skellige

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

Just like the previous Quen Place of Power, you’ll come across this Place of Power during a quest. Unlike the previous Place of Power, you won’t have to do certain things in order to obtain it. 

The quest is called ‘Sunstone’ and you’ll come across this Place of Power during it. It’s very hard to miss, as the caverns you’ll be exploring won’t be all that big.

Sunstone place of power

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

5. Axii Place of Power, Skellige

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

This Place of Power isn’t too far from where you start when you first arrive in Skellige. But if you somehow managed to miss it, just go back and look out at the ocean. From where you’re standing, you’ll be able to see the Axii Place of Power glowing in the distance.

place of power ocean

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

6. Aard Place of Power, Skellige

Skellige place of power Gedyneith

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

To get to this Place of Power, you’ll need to take the trail around the mountain. The nearest fast travel signpost is Gedyneith if you want to start from there.

Make your way around the trail, until you find a cave entrance. Head inside, but be wary. There is a level 30 cyclops skulking around nearby. Ducking into the cavern may be a good way to avoid him, but if you aren’t prepared for the fight we suggest getting in there and then getting out as fast as you can.

Gedyneith place of power cyclops

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

7. Yrden Place of Power, Skellige

place of power Druid’s Camp

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

Head south from location 6 until you come across the location Druid’s Camp. Once there, head east into the woods. You’ll see the Place of Power almost immediately, and if you can’t through all those trees, the familiar thrum of power will send you in the right direction. 

Skellige place of power Druid’s Camp

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

8. Axii Place of Power, Skellige

Fornhala place of power

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

One of the worst things about Skellige is how many mountains there are, making some locations difficult to find. For this Place of Power however, you’ll just need to find the path up the mountain from the village Fornhala.

Keep following the path until it starts to slope downwards. When you see a path branching off to the right, follow it until you come across a gap to hop over. Once done, you’ll be standing in front of the Axii Place of Power.

Witcher 3 Fornhala skellige place of power

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

9. Yrden Place of Power, Skellige

Harviken place of power

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

It’s time to head southeast to yet another isle, Witcher. If you’ve already been to this isle before, we recommend just travelling to the signpost, Harviken. Once there, head west by following the road. When the paths split to north or south, head south and keep following the path. 

You’ll get another split in the path, head north, following the path as you go along. Halfway through the path, you’ll come across the Yrden Place of Power.

witcher 3 Harviken place of power

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)
Aimee Hart

Aimee Hart is an editor and award-winning writer with a prolific background in copywriting, creative fiction, and freelance reporting and has been in the writing space for over 7 years. When she isn't caring far too much about fictional characters and worlds, she's narrating her own with friends.

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