Every Witcher 3 side quest and how to complete them

Wild At Heart

Requirement: None | Suggested Level: 7

You can receive this quest from the Notice Board in Mulbrydale, just west of the Hanged Man's Tree. Step one is to ride far southwest to meet Niellen in Blackbough. He'll tell you of his missing wife.

Step two is to talk to some townsfolk - you'll start to get the bigger picture as you do. Once you're done, ride north for the marker in the woods. Use Witcher Sense to track down the wolf pack. Slay them, and Hannah's sister will appear in the woods with you. You can accept Hannah's disappearance now or continue to search.

If you continue the search, keep your Vision up and follow the red tracks in the area to a small shack with a mysterious cave underneath. Use Aard to get through the door, and wait in the tunnel for nightfall. The Werewolf and his pack will show up. Defeat the boss and his lackeys to start one last cut scene. You can then choose to let Hannah's sister die or finish off the beast, but either choice will finally complete this quest.

Funeral Pyres

Requirement: None | Suggested Level: 3

Just west of Mulbrydale is a Priest of Eternal Fire, who asks you to burn some corpses lest they be used for dark magic. There are three piles of bodies in the surrounding area, marked on the map - you can even save a fisstech dealer from some ghouls along the way. Douse them in oil, then use Igni to set them ablaze.

Once they've all been taken care of, return to the Priest. You can accept regular payment or take a bribe for your work, but the quest will wrap up either way.

Thou Shalt Not Pass

Requirement: None, but may require completing "Fake Papers," "Family Matters," or "Woodland Beast" to finish. | Suggested Level: 7

To start this quest, head to the Pontar - it's the large river crossing northwest of the Hanged Man's Tree (any gate guarded by Redanian soldiers will also trigger this). You'll need a pass for the officials to let you through. To get the pass, you'll have to complete "Fake Papers," found nearby. Once completed, return to the gate with your counterfeit pass to proceed forward and finish the quest.

Fake Papers

Requirement: None, but requires completing "Bitter Harvest" to finish. | Suggested: N/A

There's a Shady Merchant near the Pontar, shown on the map with a Quest Marker. To get a fake pass from him, you can pay 100 crowns, use Axii with Delusion Level 1, or help the Merchant's brother-in-law Albin. We'll go with the last option.

Head just west to find Albin fighting off a pair of Ghouls. Take them out and talk to him to start another quest, "Bitter Harvest." Once you've completed it, return to the Shady Merchant to purchase the counterfeit pass for a special price.

Wild At Heart

Requirement: None | Suggested Level: 7

You can receive this quest from the Notice Board in Mulbrydale, just west of the Hanged Man's Tree. Step one is to ride far southwest to meet Niellen in Blackbough. He'll tell you of his missing wife.

Step two is to talk to some townsfolk - you'll start to get the bigger picture as you do. Once you're done, ride north for the marker in the woods. Use Witcher Sense to track down the wolf pack. Slay them, and Hannah's sister will appear in the woods with you. You can accept Hannah's disappearance now or continue to search.

If you continue the search, keep your Vision up and follow the red tracks in the area to a small shack with a mysterious cave underneath. Use Aard to get through the door, and wait in the tunnel for nightfall. The Werewolf and his pack will show up. Defeat the boss and his lackeys to start one last cut scene. You can then choose to let Hannah's sister die or finish off the beast, but either choice will finally complete this quest.

Funeral Pyres

Requirement: None | Suggested Level: 3

Just west of Mulbrydale is a Priest of Eternal Fire, who asks you to burn some corpses lest they are used for dark magic. There are three piles of bodies in the surrounding area, marked on the map - you can even save a fisstech dealer from some ghouls along the way. Douse them in oil, then use Igni to set them ablaze.

Once they've all been taken care of, return to the Priest. You can accept regular payment or take a bribe for your work, but the quest will wrap up either way.

Thou Shalt Not Pass

Requirement: None, but may require completing "Fake Papers," "Family Matters," or "Woodland Beast" to finish. | Suggested Level: 7

To start this quest, head to the Pontar - it's the large river crossing northwest of the Hanged Man's Tree (any gate guarded by Redanian soldiers will also trigger this). You'll need a pass for the officials to let you through. To get the pass, you'll have to complete "Fake Papers," found nearby. Once completed, return to the gate with your counterfeit pass to proceed forward and finish the quest.

Fake Papers

Requirement: None, but requires completing "Bitter Harvest" to finish. | Suggested: N/A

There's a Shady Merchant near the Pontar, shown on the map with a Quest Marker. To get a fake pass from him, you can pay 100 crowns, use Axii with Delusion Level 1, or help the Merchant's brother-in-law Albin. We'll go with the last option.

Head just west to find Albin fighting off a pair of Ghouls. Take them out and talk to him to start another quest, "Bitter Harvest." Once you've completed it, return to the Shady Merchant to purchase the counterfeit pass for a special price.

Bitter Harvest

Requirement: Begin "Fake Papers." | Suggested Level: 9

After agreeing to help Albin, several rounds of Ghouls will attack the immediate area. Fend them off to finish this quick quest.

The Things Men Do for Coin

Requirement: None | Suggested Level: 12

There's an Undiscovered Location in the marsh west of the Pontar. Head there to find a corpse holding a mysterious key and a letter. Read the letter to create a search area nearby. Head there and use your Witcher Sense - mind the Nekkers! - to find a chest underneath a collapsed wooden structure. Use the key you found to loot the treasure inside.

Tough Luck

Prerequisite: None | Suggested Level: 18

Southeast of the Devil's Pit marker is an Undiscovered Location, a Hidden Treasure identified by an overturned cart. Examine the bodies there to collect a small key and a letter. Then, simply read the letter you found. That's it.

Hidden from the World

Prerequisite: None | Suggested Level: 7

Head east from the Marauder's Bridge marker to find a Bandit Camp marked as an Undiscovered Location. The loot here is a letter - read it to learn of another treasure. Head to your new marker to the south. This will lead you to another loot chest atop a hill. Raid it to finish the quest.

Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire

Prerequisite: None | Suggested Level: N/A

Southwest of the Marauder's Bridge marker is an Undiscovered Location that will become a Hidden Treasure. Look for a cellar door you can bust through with Aard. Check the body in the small cave beyond for a key and a crumpled note. Read the note, then check the newly highlighted area with Witcher Sense to find more loot inside a haystack.

An Unfortunate Turn of Events

Prerequisite: None | Suggested Level: N/A

Fireburst Harbor is an area directly south of the Devil's Pit marker. Head there to find a body in the water, marked as Hidden Treasure on your map. Loot the corpse and read the letter you find to learn of some cargo that fell into the water. Dive in and use your Witcher Sense in the search area to find more loot and complete the quest.

Lynch Mob

Prerequisite: None | Suggested Level: 7

There's a group of peasants hanging out by the Hangman's Alley marker, threatening a merchant. Speak to them, and you can choose to walk away or kill the peasants. Either one will wrap up the quest quickly.

Sunken Treasure

Prerequisite: None | Suggested Level: 4

Just northwest of the Hangman's Alley marker is an Undiscovered Location, a body marked as a Hidden Treasure. Loot the letter from the corpse and read it to learn of treasure in the water in front of you. Dive in and search the wrecked ship in the depths to find some loot.

Costly Mistake

Prerequisite: None | Suggested Level: 18

Head west from the Hangman's Alley marker, all the way to the westernmost Undiscovered Location on the mainland. This is a Protected Treasure with a few dead bodies and some Drowners. Kill them and loot the body near the boot for a letter - it'll tell of sunken treasure in the water to the west. Swim out to the marked area and use your Witcher Senses to find some sweet loot.

Queen Zuleyka's Treasure

Prerequisite: None | Suggested Level: 4

The beach just north of the Coast of Wrecks marker hosts an army of pirates, but there's also a Hidden Treasure there marked as an Undiscovered Location. Take down the pirates and grab the letter they were protecting. Read it to learn of a great treasure west of you, in the water. Swim to the marked area to find it inside a sunken chest.

The Dead Have No Defense

Prerequisite: None | Suggested Level: 9

There's Hidden Treasure a bit southeast from the Condyle marker. Head there and battle the band of deserters, then search their bodies to find a marauder's note and a key. Read the note to get a new marker up a nearby hill - you'll find two more deserters and a chest full of loot there.

Don't Play with Gods

Prerequisite: None | Suggested Level: 15

There are some elven ruins far southeast of the Condyle mark; look for a trio of Undiscovered Locations on your map. One of these is a corpse holding a key and a letter; read the letter to learn of treasure nearby. Step onto the ruins - there's a pretty tough Nightwraith up here - to find a chest with some sweet loot.

Magic Lamp

Prerequisite: Complete "Wandering in the Dark." | Suggested Level: 6

Upon finishing "Wandering in the Dark," Keira will mention a magic lamp she was promised. Agree to help find it to begin this quest. Follow her down the steps to find a locked door with an inscription.

The next step is to get the door open by solving the riddle written on it. There are four statues in the room you can light with Igni - lighting in the wrong order will spawn a wraith. Facing the locked door, you should light the statute immediately to the right, immediately to the left, far right, then far left. This will open the door, letting Keira grab the lamp in the chamber beyond. Exit the cave to finish the quest.

An Invitation from Keira Metz

Prerequisite: Complete "Wandering in the Dark" or "Magic Lamp." | Suggested Level: 6

Upon exiting the cave used for the quests mentioned above, Keira will ask you to visit. Do so at her home and ask about her request: there's a cursed island that needs to be saved. This will wrap up this quest and start a new one.

A Towerful of Mice

Prerequisite: Complete "An Invitation from Keira Metz." | Suggested Level: 6

Time to lift that curse. You'll first need to head far southeast of Keira's home to the Fyke Isle. Once there, follow your maker through the hordes of enemies to reach the tower in the middle of the abandoned town.

Inside, use the Magic Lamp on the skeleton to hear a ghost speak. Follow the stairs to the next floor and do the same for the skeleton there. When you reach what seems to be the top floor, look for two levers along the wall. Pull them both down to open a passage to the true top floor.

Up here is a laboratory where you'll learn the truth of what happened here. You'll also receive Annabelle's Remains. To finally lift the curse, head to your new marker on the mainland to the north. Give the remains to Annabelle's lover Graham (reenter the house to see what happens if you'd like), then return to Keira to wrap up this long quest.

A Favor for a Friend

Prerequisite: Complete "A Towerful of Mice." | Suggested Level: 6

After lifting the curse, you'll be asked to do another favor for Keira: she's expecting a delivery and wants you to check on it. Head to the marker to the north and use your Witcher Senses to follow some wagon tracks into the woods to the west. When you find the wagon, retrieve the package from underneath and return it to Keira.

Take her up on her other offers, and you'll wrap up this quest in style: racing to the meadow for a nice dinner. After some conversation, use your Witcher Senses again to follow a trail down to the water to find Keira - and a little something else…

For the Advancement of Learning

Prerequisite: Complete "A Favor for a Friend." | Suggested Level: 8

After your 'special time' with Keira, you'll wake up near Fyke Isle. Head to the tower marked on your map to confront Keira there. Yes, this whole series of quests can end with you fighting the woman you just slept with. Convince her otherwise, or defeat her to wrap this one up.

Sunken Chest

Prerequisite: None | Suggested Level: 4

Directly south of Fyke Isle is a smaller island with an Undiscovered Location, a Hidden Treasure. Swim there and loot the corpse for some blood-soaked notes, then read them to learn of a sunken treasure nearby. Dive into the water and swim down in the marked area to the east to find some loot.

A Greedy God

Prerequisite: Complete "Wandering in the Dark." | Suggested Level: 7

South of the Wastrel Manor marker, you can find a man named Dagmar with a quest for you: he and his pal need help appeasing the Allgod. Agree to help, then search for an illusion in the structure and use your Eye of Nehaleni to remove it. Head down the staircase this reveals to meet the Allgod himself. You can either convince him to accept the offerings or kill him. Either way, return to Dagmar after the deed is done to complete the quest.

Ciri's Room

Prerequisite: Complete "Bloody Baron." | Suggested Level: 5

This quest will unlock as the Baron leads you upstairs to examine his family's rooms. Instead, you can check the room where Ciri stayed for more clues. In there, you'll find a few clues, including a book and a top. Read the book, then speak to Gretka across the hall. Ask about Ciri, then give her to the top to finish this quick quest.

Races: Crow's Perch

Prerequisite: None | Suggested Level: N/A

You can learn about this race from the Crow's Perch Notice Board. Go to the marker and speak to Radko to enter. You can choose any of the other races to go against, but you'll need to beat all three to wrap up the quest.

Fists of Fury: Velen

Prerequisite: None | Suggested Level: 11

You can learn about an underground fighting ring from the Crow's Perch Notice Board - Geralt wants in. You'll have to defeat three fighters: Smithy at the Inn at the Crossroads, Fishgulper in Lindenvale, and Jonah in Blackbough. Once you do, return to Crow's Perch and take down the Sergeant to finish this quest.

Gwent: Velen Players

Prerequisite: None | Suggested Level: N/A

You can also get this quest from the Crow's Perch Notice Board. Defeat the Baron in a game of Gwent to wrap it up quickly. Alternatively, if you wait until you complete "Return to Crookback Bog," you can simply take the unique card from his office (depending on your quest choices).

This will unlock two more major Gwent battles: one against a man in Oreton, another against the soothsayer in Benek. Win these, then head to Midcopse for one last game. Defeat Haddy there to wrap up the quest.

Collect 'Em All

Prerequisite: Complete "Gwent: Velen Players" | Suggested Level: N/A

Once you've collected your first unique card, you'll unlock a quest to obtain them all. To do this, you must:

  • Purchase unique cards from innkeepers, traders, and merchants.
  • Win cards by playing against available opponents. This includes the Nilfgaardian Nobleman in the Palace at Vizima. These are won at random.
  • Complete "Gwent: Playing Innkeeps," "Gwent: Velen Players," "Gwent: Big City Players," "Gwent: Old Pals," "Gwent: Skellige Style," "Gwent: Highs Stakes," and "Shock Therapy."
  • During "A Matter of Life and Death," win the three-round tournament.
  • Complete "A Dangerous Game" and take the cards as a reward.

It's a long road, but a full Gwent set is really its own reward.

Master Armorers

Prerequisite: None, but requires "The Griffin from the Highlands" to complete. | Suggested Level: 24

Start this quest by talking to Ferus Graem, the Baron's blacksmith, about armorers. His sidekick will tell you of a master located in Skellige, and you'll receive a marker on that part of your map.

When you finally reach Skellige, you'll need to head to Undvik, the main southwestern isle. Your quest marker will lead you to the southernmost building, an abandoned forge. Check the cave nearby to encounter a rather aggressive rock troll. Take him out, then check the chest in his cave for some smithing tools.

Return these to Fergus to learn that his partner Yoana is the real maser here. She'll need a special acid to forge your new set of armor though. This will unlock a new contract, "The Griffin from the Highlands" on the nearby notice board. Loot the acid gland from the archgriffin in the quest, and return it to Yoana to have her craft a master set of armor. Return to her after a day to pick it up and complete the quest.

Defender of the Faith

Prerequisite: Begin "Family Matters." | Suggested Level: 10

You can start this quest by talking to the marked peasant on the road from Crow's Perch to Blackbough. Agree to help with her problem, and Geralt will fix a nearby shrine in a cut scene. Now you must fix two other shrines: one is due east of the Condyle marker, the other southwest of the Fyke Isle marker. Head to these spots (marked on the map, of course) and repair the remaining shrines. When you reach the second, you'll have to kill the vandals to actually complete the quest.

Forefather's Eve

Prerequisite: Complete "Family Matters." | Suggested Level: 7

As you wrap up "Family Matters," the Pellar will come to you with a request for help. Agree, then meet him at the amphitheater on Fyke Isle at midnight. As he conducts a ceremony, you'll have to protect the participants.

Take out the Drowners and Water Hags that walk ashore, and a cut scene will play. After that, you'll need to slay some Witch Hunters. Finally, you'll have to take out a round of wraiths. After this, you'll need to settle the spirit of the Pellar's father.

For this, you'll have to head to your new marker, way over to the east near the Orphans of Crookback Bog marker. Use your Witcher Senses to find a body in the search area, then burn the corpse with Igni. Visit the Pellar in his home near Blackbough to finish this quest.

The Whispering Hillock

Prerequisite: Begin "Ladies of the Wood," needed to complete it. | Suggested Level: 5

This is listed as a side quest, although it really is part of the main story. In order to complete "Ladies of the Wood," you'll be sent to stop a dark force at Whispering Hillock. When you reach it, use your Witcher Senses to find a cave entrance. This will lead you to the source of the voice: a spirit bound to the plants in the area.

From here, you can either kill the spirit where it's bound or free it. If you choose the latter, you'll have to ride west to find the spirit's remains, then south to capture a wild horse using Axii. Bring these back to free the spirit, or kill it in a simple boss fight at your next opportunity. Whichever path you take, you can then speak to the ealdorman outside to start a long cinematic, wrapping up the quest.

Return to Crookback Bog

Prerequisite: Complete "Family Matters" and "Ladies of the Wood." | Suggested Level: 7

After completing these two story quests in Velen, the Bloody Baron will want to check on his wife. Head to Downwarren to join the Baron in his charge into the bog. Follow him and his men, taking out enemies until you reach the Orphans of Crookback Bog huts.

When you do, two scenarios could play out. You may encounter the Baron's wife in a crazed state or in a cursed, monstrous state. If it's the former, the quest will end after the next battle. If it's the latter, you have more work to do. In either case, you'll first have to battle some monsters as a dark fog rolls in; this includes a particularly tough Fiend.

If following the cursed quest path, you'll now have to deal with the Baron's wife in her monstrous state. Start by heading to your marker to find more baddies around Johnny's den. Take them out, then use your Witcher Senses to track Johnny's footprints to a small shelter where he's hiding. He'll explain what's happened to the Baron's wife.

Return to the Orphans of Crookback Bog and enter the Crones' hut. Look for a cellar entrance and climb down. You'll find some voodoo dolls the Crones have been using - take the one "with the violet hollylock bloom." After a rather sad cut scene, return to the Baron in Crow's Perch to complete his last, long quest.

The Fall of the House of Reardon

Prerequisite: None | Suggested Level: 6

You can start this quest by reading the Notice Board in Lindenvale. Once you do, speak to Dolores just down the path to learn that her childhood manor has been overrun with monsters. Agree to help, then head to the marker on your map - an additional quest starts when you arrive. After the first part of that one is complete, you can return to Dolores to claim your reward.

Ghosts of the Past

Prerequisite: Begin "The Fall of the House of Reardon." | Suggested Level: 6

Something isn't right at the farmstead. Enter the barn, and be on the lookout for tripwires - be aware that you can disarm them too. Head for the back and use the ladder to reach the loft. You'll encounter an old friend up there.

Follow Letho into the yard and take out the headhunters. At this point, you can return to Dolores to wrap up the quest that brought you here, but you should follow Letho to his next confrontation to finish this one first (you'll wind up back in Lindenvale anyway). Ride with him to a mercenary camp and fight another battle to keep this side story going.

After the fight, you'll ride with Letho to Lindenvale. A cut scene will play out, and Letho will go down. Avenge him by taking out the goons that did him in, and you'll learn the truth about this whole scheme and finish the quest.

Witcher Wannabe

Prerequisite: Complete "The Merry Widow." | Suggested Level: 10

Visit Lindenvale a few days after completing "The Merry Widow" to find the ealdorman in a fit: a fake Witcher seduced his daughter. Agree to help track down this douche, then head to your marker in the cemetery just east of the town - you'll find some footprints there. Follow these to find the impersonator in the back of the graveyard. When some more villagers arrive, go through the dialogue as you please. The quest will end right after.

The Truth Is in the Stars

Prerequisite: None | Suggested Level: N/A

Also found in Benek is an Old Sage. Offer him some food to learn your 'future,' then head to the marker on your map - it's a cave southeast of the village. Inside, you'll find the dragonsroot the sage requested, as well as a few Ghouls. Kill them, grab the root, and return to him to wrap this up.

Scavenger Hunt: Griffin School Gear

Prerequisite: None | Suggested Level: 11

North of the Hanged Man's Tree is an abandoned fortress called Hindhold. Make your way to the top and take out the harpy's nest, then search the top floors for a dead body. Loot Balstick's letter from it, then read to learn about some special diagrams you can track down.

The first is found at Lornruk, at the northwestern tip of Velen. To get inside the tower, you'll have to dive to the water far below and look for a small grotto that leads into the base. The chest you're looking for is found up a short ladder next to a grindstone.

The second diagram is found at the Dragonslayer's Grotto, just west of Downwarren. Head through this dungeon, battling Wraiths and avoiding poison clouds, to eventually reach a burial site. Take out the ekimmaras that guards it, then search the chests in the room for the remaining diagrams.

Lost Goods

Prerequisite: None | Suggested Level: N/A

There's a Hidden Treasure, an Undiscovered Location, on the peninsula south of Oxenfurt. Check it to find a corpse, then loot and read the letter it's holding. It'll tell you of some loot just to the east. Head to the new marker, take out the Drowners in the area, and loot the chest they were guarding to wrap this quest up quickly.


Prerequisite: None | Suggested Level: 32

Head for the archipelago northwest of Oxenfurt to find a Hidden Treasure marked as an undiscovered location. Loot the corpse here to find a key and a letter. Read the letter to create a search area on your map, but watch out - a basilisk will also fly in for a battle. Slay it, then use your Witcher Senses to locate a locked chest. Open it with the key you just found to find some sweet loot inside.

Blood Gold

Prerequisite: None | Suggested Level: 18

There's another Hidden Treasure just northwest of the last one. You'll find a corpse with a key and a bloodstained note. Loot and read the note to place a search area on the map. Use your Witcher Senses to find a locked chest under a wooden structure, then use your newfound key to get the goodies inside.

Blood Ties

Prerequisite: None | Suggested Level: 12

There's a Nilfgaardian noblewoman just north of the camp with a quest for you: her son has gone missing. To start your search, head into the camp and speak to the quartermaster marked on your map.

Freelance Writer

Tony lives in Maryland, where he writes about those good old-fashioned video games for GamesRadar+. His words have also appeared on GameSpot and G4, but he currently works for Framework Video, and runs Dungeons and Dragons streams. 

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