World of Warcraft Mega Bloks Season 1 collection revealed
Mounts, fortresses and factions go blocky in WoW's premiere Mega Blok outing

Technology has now advanced to the point where smooth, high-res graphics are the default: yesterday's blocky, angular creations are scorned and driven away with memory upgrades and options tweaks, that everything onscreen might look as sleek and crisp as possible. But those chunky block-constructions of yesteryear aren't forgotten completely. You wouldn't want World of Warcraft, for instance, to look like it was knocked together out of Mega Bloks – unless you'd just bought a licensed WoW Mega Bloks set, in which case, yep, that's exactly what you'd want.
First announced at BlizzCon (BlizzCon 2011: Mega Blocks Thrall figure), Mega Bloks' WoW Season 1 Collection includes standalone faction heroes, constructible mounts, and several large-size blocky tableaux to allow fort-bound character battles between you and your (possibly imaginary) friends. Slated for a Summer release, the Collection should theoretically allow for compromises between WoW-addicted youth and their parents. Of course, in practice they'll all be enshrined, unopened, on the toy-shelves of well-heeled geeks – but we're sure they'll look very nice there too.

Following a high-profile guild quitting WoW Classic Hardcore, Blizzard makes the unprecedented decision to revive MMO characters that die during DDoS attacks "at our sole discretion"

"If this is just how it is, then yeah, that's the end": WoW Classic's most famous hardcore guild calls time for now after multiple raiders lose their MMO characters to DDoS attacks

Following a high-profile guild quitting WoW Classic Hardcore, Blizzard makes the unprecedented decision to revive MMO characters that die during DDoS attacks "at our sole discretion"

"If this is just how it is, then yeah, that's the end": WoW Classic's most famous hardcore guild calls time for now after multiple raiders lose their MMO characters to DDoS attacks