WWE SmackDown! vs RAW 2007 Cheats
WWE SmackDown! vs RAW 2007 FAQs
Tommy Dreamer(ECW) CAW
Submitted by Brandon -
D-Von Duddley CAW
Submitted by Brandon -
Bubba Ray Duddley CAW
Submitted by Brandon -
Kevin Nash NWO Attire CAW
Submitted by Brandon -
Chris Jericho CAW
Submitted by Brandon -
Sabu CAW
Submitted by Syed Elahi -
CM Punk
Submitted by Syed Elahi -
AJ Styles CAW
Submitted by monsterpimpingangster -
Kenny Dykstra CAW
Submitted by monsterpimpingangster -
Brian Kendrick CAW
Submitted by your mom -
Elijah Burke CAW
Submitted by GaNgStAmAn -
Kevin Thorn CAW
Submitted by monsterpimpingangster -
Paul London CAW
Submitted by monsterpimpingangster -
Submitted by the person you wish you could be -
Submitted by monsterpimpingangster -
Create Goldberg (CAW)
Submitted by amar patel -
Sabu (ECW Star) CAW
Submitted by T Spears -
Andre the Giant CAW
Submitted by I MrSmiley I (Formerly M Smiley) -
Senshi (caw) TNA
Submitted by Manny G. -
Test CAW (ECW)
Submitted by M Smiley -
Spiderman CAW (Marvel Comic Character)
Submitted by M Smiley -
The Incredible Hulk (Marvel Comic Charac
Submitted by M Smiley -
Sensh (TNA)
Submitted by Manny G. -
Captain America CAW (Marvel Comics Chara
Submitted by M Smiley -
The Thing CAW (Marvel Comic Character)
Submitted by M Smiley -
Abyss CAw (TNA Wrestler)
Submitted by M Smiley -
Brock Lesnar CAW
Submitted by M Smiley -
The Coach - CAW
Submitted by Shane O' Mac -
Kenny CAW
Submitted by [Ritesh M 07] -
The Miz CAW
Submitted by [Ritesh M 2007] -
Mick Foley Championship
Submitted by M Smiley -
Ashley Massero CAW
Submitted by M Smiley -
Achivements and Unlockables Guide
Submitted by M Smiley -
Ted Di'Biasi CAW
Submitted by M Smiley -
Shad Gaspard (Cryme Tyme)
Submitted by M Smiley -
Tatanka CAW
Submitted by M Smiley -
JTG CAW (Cryme Tyme)
Submitted by M Smiley -
2007 WWE Shop Guide
Submitted by M Smiley -
Jeff Hardy Create-A-Wrestler
Submitted by M Smiley -
Jimmy Wang Yang CAW
Submitted by M Smiley -
WWE SmackDown! vs RAW 2007 FAQ
Submitted by Niko Tsirakis
WWE SmackDown! vs RAW 2007 Cheats
PSP | Submitted by BryanUnlockable Ledgens
Season mode Shop
Bam Bam Bigelow - Win the Unforgiven Trophy
Bret Hart - Win the Survivor Series Trophy
Cactus Jack - Win the SummerSlam Trophy
Dude Love - Win the SummerSlam Trophy
Hulk Hogan - Win the WrestleMania Trophy
Jerry "the King" Lawler - Win the No Way Out Trophy
Mankind - Win the SummerSlam Trophy
Mr. Perfect - Win the Backlash Trophy
Shane McMahon - Win the Armageddon Trophy
Stone Cold Steve Austin - Win the Royal Rumble Trophy
Tazz - Win the No Way Out Trophy
The Anvil Jim Neidhart - Win the Survivor Series Trophy
The Rock - Win the WrestleMania Trophy
Xbox 360 | Submitted by M SmileyAchievement Glitch - Season Mode
Season Mode
To gain all 3 season achievements without doing the harder difficulties, first complete season mode by winning/defending title at wrestlemania. Save immediately after. Then continue as normal till you see the credits. The first unlock achievement should show. Now restart the 360 while on the credits and go back into season mode, change the difficulty to something different and view the credits again, this will unlock the other achievement. continue till you have done all 3.
PS2 | Submitted by Procheat5098Unlock Jeff Hardy
Playing game
Run up a ladder with Matt Hardy and You unlock him (only in Ladder Match)
WWE SmackDown! vs RAW 2007 Glitches
PS2 | Submitted by The CHAMPTeleportation
Hell in a Cell match
At main menu go to Exhibition Mode. Then go to main events (second to last). Then go to hell in a cell match (first column). And then pick single,tornado tag, triple threat, fatal 4-way, or Armageddon hell in a cell. Then pick John Cena. Then exit out of cell and climb up. Wait until the other person or persons come up and knock someone down and drag them to the center of the cell. Do the five-knuckle shuffle (R + up) and then you will teleport to the ring and then back up to the top of the cell once the move is done.
PS2 | Submitted by John Cena himselfTeleporting Cena
In a Hell in a Cell match
play as John Cena in a Hell in a Cell match,then go on top of the cell and do Cena's Five Knuckle Shuffle and you will teleport in the ring and when you are finish doing the trick,you will teleport back on top of the cell!
P.S.: Your opponent must be laying on his or her back, also this glitch will only work on Cena
PS2 | Submitted by GreatestgamereverUnlock Jeff Hardy
Ed. Note: Unverified
Play as Matt Hardy in a Ladder Match. Lean a folded ladder against standing up one. Run up the folded ladder. After you do that, grab the belt. If you get the belt down a new belt will appear where the old one was and the match will be restarted. When it is, you won't be playing as Matt anymore, you'll be playing as Jeff!
WWE SmackDown! vs RAW 2007 Hints
PSP | Submitted by Joshua PledgerShovel in Parking Lot
Throw your opponent into the garbage truck. Then walk over to the garbage truck & press the X button to dig through the trash and find a shovel.
Xbox 360 | Submitted by Hello My Name Is Your MomBest Batista Move
The best move for Batista is not the Batista Bomb! It is accurately a Running Spine Buster! Wondering how to do it? All you have to do is Irish Whip your opponent of the ropes (not strong irish whip) and when they are running toward you press the right stick right or left. Every time it will do a lot of damage to your body. There is also another one. It is the Running/Turnbuckle spear. Here is hoe you do it. Irish whip (again not strong) your opponent into a turnbuckle and run after them and when they are standing in it run towards them and press the X button and move the right stick RIGHT. It does a lot of damage also.
PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by Blacktail619Winning a Match
If your tired of losing all the time, here's a good trick. At the start of the match,press Y to run and then X. It will knock him down and give you the advantage. Every time he gets up just knock him down again. It takes a lot of stamina so make sure you recharge while he's down.
PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by Jason Pavon3Easy Money in the Bank Trophy
money in the bank match
First go to the "In game options" in the options menu. Then,go to the first option.Turn off the stamina system. Then change the difficulty to "Legend." Play MITB and set up a ladder and lean one on the other. Run up the leaning ladder and grab the case. Find the sweet spot and win!
PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by Thumper17Easy Ladder Match
MITB, Ladder Matches
Here's an easy way to win those pesky ladder matches, especially if you're worse then your opponent. First, the meter, just let everyone else chisel the meter down, until it's almost gone or a centimeter is left, then, take everyone out with the ladder or whatever weapon - hopefully the meter will go down after a longer time so everyone will be weak, then set the ladder up and grab the title. This is harder to do in "Money In The Bank," because everyone keeps managing to get up before you get halfway up the ladder.
PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by T-bone 308How To Slam Your Opppnent 5 Times Harder
In The Crowd
When you're in the crowd, and your opponent is lying on the ground near the back, you go as far back as you can, press "A" and your character will automatically start climbing to the top of the fence. When you're on top press "X" and your character will do a body slam, as if you were jumping off the turnbuckle. This will damage your opponent badly and should make him/her bleed, if not bleeding already.
PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by T-bone 308How to Steal Objects
When you're in the crowd walk up to somebody holding something and press "A". It will take the item that the person is holding.
PS3 | Submitted by GreatestgamereverUnlock Jeff Hardy
Play as Matt Hardy in a Ladder Match. Lean a folded ladder against standing up one. Run up the folded ladder. After you do that, grab the belt. If you get the belt down a new belt will appear where the old one was and the match will be restarted. When it is, you won't be playing as Matt anymore, you'll be playing as Jeff!
Ed. note: This is unverified and has been reported as being false. Try it for yourself.
PS2 | Submitted by GameKing5000Last Ride of the Cell
Hell in a Cell match
For this one you need to have The Last Ride as a finisher. Store finisher icon (optional) then take your opponent to the edge of the cell, make sure you won't fall off when doing the move, hit your enemy with The Last Ride, if done correctly you should last ride them off the cell, they will take the damage of the finisher plus the damage of falling off the cell, so that's about double damage
PS2 | Submitted by greatestgamereverPlay as Announcers!
Season Mode
Beat season mode at least once with every superstar on the roster (Note: For the legends you can only be Roddy Piper in season mode). After you do that, you will be able to play as Jim Ross and Michael Cole. Beat season mode twice with everybody and you will unlock Johnathan Coachman.
PS2 | Submitted by fitz9Through the Announcers' Tables
At either one of the announcers' tables take the top off it then get them on the table. Make sure you have a finisher then get up with them then it should say 'press the finisher button' and you will get in the ring get up on the turnbuckle and you will do a flying elbow like Shane McMahon.
PS2, PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by M SmileyECW World Championship
Chapionship name: ECW World Heavyweight
Design: 5/5
Materials: 1/6
Pattern: 1/37
design,normal: 25/37, 59/84
Materials, centre plate: 5/7
Materials, centrepiece: 6/7
Jewel, Centre plate: 3/7 spots 3 and 4
jewel, centre piece: 3'7 spots 2 and 5
Materials: 6/7
Jewel: 3/7 spots 1,3,4 and 6
Design: 1/4
Materials: 5/7
PS2 | Submitted by Joey ZayaPreset Entrances
Create Mode
Moveset 1: Eugene
Moveset 2: Sylvan or Dupree
Moveset 3: Charlie Haas
Moveset 4: Brian Kendrick or London
Moveset 5: Hurricane
Moveset 6: Orlando Jordan
Moveset 7: Taijri
Moveset 8: Chris Jericho
Moveset 9: Rhyno
Moveset 10: Dreamer
Moveset 11: Bubba Ray Dudley
Moveset 12: D-Von Dudley
Moveset 13: Spike Dudley
Moveset 14: Jeff Hardy
Moveset 15: Christian
Moveset 16: AJ Styles
Moveset 17: Goldberg
Moveset 18: Scott Stiener
Moveset 19: Sting
Moveset 20: X-Pac
Moveset 21: Kevin Nash
Moveset 22: Double Axe Handle from Turnbuckle
Moveset 23: British Bulldog or Animal
Moveset 24: Hawk
Moveset 25: Ultimate Warrior
PS2 | Submitted by HEAVYW8Easy Personality Challenge
During the challenge
To win the match against Cactus Jack and the other two personalities here is what you do: Get out the ring and start attacking the first one who gets out. Get him in an ultimate control grapple and wait. The other two personalities will eventually go back into the ring. Before the count-out, about two seconds before they count you out, finish your move and go back into the ring. Attack the two personalities to avoid them from getting out the ring and the third personality will be counted out and you win.
PS2 | Submitted by Joey ZayaHearse KO
Parking Lot Brawl Match
In the Parking Lot Brawl Match Irish Whip your opponent into the hearse, then press L1, your player will slam your opponent's head into the back of the hearse and your player will get a casket from the inside of the hearse and you'll throw the opponent into the coffin. After that you'll shove the casket while your opponent is in it, right into the hearse that will carry your weakened opponent on the worst ride of their life.
PS2 | Submitted by GameKing5000Ultimate Backstage Brawl Finishers
Parking Lot/ Bar Brawl Matches
For each of these finishers you must have a stored finsher and a full momentum meter. In the Bar Brawl match Irish Whip your opponent into the giant set of television screens and then press L1, your character will knock your opponent into the screens causing a giant statue to fall on the foe, giving you the win. For the Parking Lot Brawl Match Irish Whip your opponent into the hearse (car next to the sewage truck) then press L1, your character will slam your opponent's head into the back door and the get a casket from within the hearse and throw the opponent into the coffin afterwards shoving the casket (with foe inside) into the hearse that will carry your beaten foe on their last ride
PS2 | Submitted by Joey ZayaDouble Table KO
Table Match
Start a table match for the title. Then when your in the match make your opponent red on the stomach and/or the head. then set up a table, then grab another table and go on the long side of the set up table,press X. Then make sure you have a finisher throw your opponent to the long side of the tables, and press L1. If you did it correctly you'll see that your opponent is sitting on the turnbuckle and you'll superplex him through. PS: if your playing as someone thats in a tag-team don't pick that person pick someone thats not in a tag-team, same thing for your opponent.
PS2 | Submitted by KKKKANEThe Boggeyman in the Parking Lot Brawl
There are two special things that have to do with the Boggeyman.
1) If you are someone other then the Boggeyman, throw your opponent onto the bottom left car. The hit the R3 button and then he will slam his head two times against the car and then the hatch will open and the Boggeyman will be there.
2) If you are the Boogeyman then throw your opponent into the bottom left car and hit R3. Boggeyman's opponents head will be against the glass of the car and the Boggeyman will then punch him.
PS2 | Submitted by greatestgamereverEasy GM mode
General Manager mode
To win GM mode easier, do a 2-player GM mode. Give yourself all the good guys and don't give your opponent any. Do your matches like you normally do and don't put any matches on your opponent's match card. Do this the whole year and you will get all the fans because your opponent has no matches to market.
Hint: This is also a great opportunity to use created wrestlers on the RAW and Smackdown! shows instead of Heat and Velocity. You will still get all the fans.
PS2 | Submitted by greatestgamereverDifferent Season Mode Champions
Season Mode
First do a title match in exhibition mode. Be Jhon Cena and fight Edge for the WWE title. Then do season mode as John Cena. You will be the season mode champion and get the "champion" storylines instead of the "taking on the show" storylines.
PS2 | Submitted by GambitPersonality Disorder
This one's for people who have problem with the Personality Disorder challenge. Before starting the challenges change your rules keep ring out count 10 and dq off. Then start the challenges first take a chair and keep on hitting any one of them ( I did it on Cactus Jack, he seemed little risky for the match ). Then do your chair finisher. He'll start bleeding if his head is red. But be careful and do this inside the ring. Then when the other two comes ( in my case Foley and Mankind) do the move of dude love which makes the person sit down on both of them, then just pinfall the person who is bleeding!
P.S. don't use 2p it won't work ( i have experience )
PS2 | Submitted by Joey ZayaUltimate KO
Bar Brawl
Go to a Bar Brawl match get a finisher then irish wip your opponent into the TV screens the click L1 - then you'll smash the opponent into the screen and the statue above will fall down on your opponent.
PS2 | Submitted by GambitSmackdown! vs. RAW 2007 Tester
I know everyone wants to know the special challenge. Well its very hard to finish the challenge is Smackdown! vs. Raw 2007 tester : Mickie vs. Great Kahli. You have to defeat Khali in a no ring out match! easy way to defeat Khali is change one of Mickie's running move to Undertaker's running DDT. Keep doing this move on Khali then when you get a smack do your Mick Kick. His head will be red and he'll be dead!
PS2, PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by ChompyEasy Wins
Any environmental hotspots
To get an easy win in most types of matches all you have to do is grab your opponent in a strong grapple and drag them over to an environmental hotspot and perform the move. Regain your stamina and repeat until your opponent is weak enough for a pin.
PS2, PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by james coupeWorld Heavyweight Rematch
For the Wrestlemania 21 heavyweight championship match, start a season with Triple H. At the royal rumble, win it. Make sure Batista is the heavyweight champ. At some time either after the royal rumble or after Stone Cold becomes general manager of Raw, it will say that if you win this tag match or single match, you get to say what sort of match you want at wrestlemania. Win the match and say a normal match. Then at Wrestlemania, it will be Batista vs Triple H.
PS2, PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by Jashandeep Singh SandhuHow to go into the Crowd
Any match but not ladder
What you do is get your opponent out of the ring and then go near the commentators. Then irish whip into the crowd where it's empty them you can go in the crowd with them and hit them with the weapons or jump on them from the stage.
Xbox 360 | Submitted by MannyEasy GM Mode
GM Mode
When you do GM mode you can play it with muliplayer. When you choose the matches for your superstars just simulate them all for both 1P & 2P and by the end of the year in GM mode Mr. McHamhon will fire the GM that wasn't doing so great. No matter what player wins you will now have the unlimited Experience points unlocked.
PS2 | Submitted by Alex Bull (game master)Easy Money in the Bank Trophy
To win the money in the bank briefcase match, set the difficulty to legend in options and go to the money in the bank match in exhibition. Be someone that is heavy and has high durability (I used Big Show). Make 5 created superstars and don't customize them and put them in the match. Hit them around and throw them out of the ring when they are at full red on three body parts. let two people climb the ladder so you can tilt them off. Climb the ladder when they are all down and reach for the briefcase. (note: push L up and R up and find both sweet spots to deplete the bar at double speed.)
PS2 | Submitted by deadmanallEasy Money
Buy "JBL's money" from the WWE Shop, then put it on your "collectibles" display case. Walk up to it and press the Action command to get $5,000 each time.
Start Season mode with any wrestler. When in the locker room, press Circle to go to the menu with the limos scene and the "Begin Week", "Difficulty", "Locker Room", etc. options. Change the difficulty to "Legend", select "Begin Week", but do not start the match. Go all the way to the right to where it reads "Multiplayer". You will now see a screen that allows you to add the slots with empty controllers. Insert another controller and you will have a player controlled CPU wrestler. After finishing here, the match should automatically start. Just clothesline and pin and you will win in under ten seconds.
PS2 | Submitted by CHEESE KING/liam hallinBackstage Fight
locker room
to fight backstage you start at main menu then go to exhibition enter main events then it will say backstage brawls somewhere and you get to choose out of bar brawl or parking lot brawl or you can go to TLC match and go the barricade and press x to jump over.
PS2 | Submitted by zeshanHow to Spring Board
Make sure he isn't super heavyweight. Then, when you're running at the rope press L1 and X.
WWE SmackDown! vs RAW 2007 Unlockables
PSP | Submitted by Yo boyUnlockable Arenas
ECW One Night Stand II Arena - Win the Money In The Bank Trophy
Backlash Arena - Win the Backlash Trophy in Season Mode
No Mercy Arena - Win the No Mercy Trophy in Season Mode
Saturday Night Main Event Arena - Win the Superstar Challenge Trophy
SummerSlam Arena - Win the SummerSlam Trophy in Season Mode
Unforgiven Arena - Win the Unforgiven Trophy in Season Mode
Vengeance Arena - Win the Vengeance Trophy in Season Mode
WrestleMania 22 Arena - Win the WrestleMania Trophy in Season Mode
PS2, PS3 | Submitted by RomarioGet all ECW wrestlers
Season mode
To unlock every single wrestler of ECW you must win season mode with all of the wrestlers who competed in the Smackdown vs Raw ten men elimination tag at Survivor series 2005.The superstars from Raw are Shawn Michiels,Carlito,Chris Masters,Kane and Big Show.The superstars from Smackdown are Batista,Rey Mysterio,JBL,Bobby Lashley and Randy Orton.
PS2, PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by Hug RugHow To get all the the Arenas
You want to know how to get all of the arenas then here they are:
Backlash: unlock the Backlash trophy in season mode
Vengeance: unlock the Vengeance trophy in season mode
Summerslam: unlock the Summerslam trophy in season mode
Unforgiven: unlock the Unforgiven trophy in season mode
No Mercy: unlock the No Mercy trophy in season mode
Amaragegon: unlock the Amaragegon trophy in season mode
Royal Rumble: unlock the Royal Rumble trophy in season mode
No Way Out: unlock the No Way Out trophy in season mode
Wrestlemania 22: unlock the Wrestlemania trophy in season mode
Saturday Night's Main Event: unlock the superstar trophy in challenge mode
ECW: One Night Stand: unlock the money in the bank trophy
PS2 | Submitted by greatestgamereverUnlock Vince McMahon, Teddy Long, ...
General Manager mode.
This cheat also works for Eric Bishoff. Beat general manager mode five times on either brand and you will unlock that brands manager. For SmackDown!, that's Teddy Long, the playa. For Raw, you get Vinnie McMahon. You have to do it five extra times on Raw to unlock Bischoff. Once you've unlocked all three, you'll also unlock ECW general manager, Paul Heyman.
PS2, PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by PopperUnlock D-X Stable Entrance Anim
Get the Vengeance Trophy in Season Mode.
PS2, PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by TrogdodAlternate Costumes
JBL Suit - Purchase for $5000 in the WWE Shop
Masked Kane - Purchase for $4000 in the WWE Shop
Triple H Suit - Purchase for $4000 in the WWE Shop
PS2, PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by TrogdodUnlockable WWE Legends
Legends are unlocked by winning PPV-Trophys in Season Mode. You'll have to purchase them for $10000 to $12000 after unlocking them.
Bam Bam Bigelow - Win the Unforgiven Trophy
Bret Hart - Win the Survivor Series Trophy
Cactus Jack - Win the SummerSlam Trophy
Dude Love - Win the SummerSlam Trophy
Hulk Hogan - Win the WrestleMania Trophy
Jerry "the King" Lawler - Win the No Way Out Trophy
Mankind - Win the SummerSlam Trophy
Mr. Perfect - Win the Backlash Trophy
Shane McMahon - Win the Armageddon Trophy
Stone Cold Steve Austin - Win the Royal Rumble Trophy
Tazz - Win the No Way Out Trophy
The Anvil Jim Neidhart - Win the Survivor Series Trophy
The Rock - Win the WrestleMania Trophy
PS2, Xbox 360 | Submitted by TrogdodUnlockable Loading Screens
Divas loading screens - Win the No Mercy Trophy
Legend loading screen - Win the Legend Challenge Trophy
PS2, PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by TrogdodUnlimited EXP
Winning the "GM of The Year Trophy" will unlock new GM options and unlimited experience points.
PS2, PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by TrogdodUnlockable Arenas
ECW One Night Stand II Arena - Win the Money In The Bank Trophy
Backlash Arena - Win the Backlash Trophy in Season Mode
No Mercy Arena - Win the No Mercy Trophy in Season Mode
Saturday Night Main Event Arena - Win the Superstar Challenge Trophy
SummerSlam Arena - Win the SummerSlam Trophy in Season Mode
Unforgiven Arena - Win the Unforgiven Trophy in Season Mode
Vengeance Arena - Win the Vengeance Trophy in Season Mode
WrestleMania 22 Arena - Win the WrestleMania Trophy in Season Mode
PS2, PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by TrogdodLegend Championships
The Hardcore Championship Belt - Win the Superstar Challenge Trophy
The Million Dollar Championship Belt - Win the Legend Challenge Trophy
n.W.o. Championship - Win the SummerSlam Trophy and buy for $3500 in the WWE Shop.
Smoking Skull Championship - Win the Royal Rumble Trophy and buy it for $5000 in the WWE Shop.
WWE SmackDown! vs RAW 2007 Easter Eggs
PS2 | Submitted by Batista BombBoogeyman
Parking Lot Brawl
While in a parking lot brawl you can find The Boogeyman. Go over to the black car in the corner next to the gas truck. Irish Whip (R1+x) in to the truck and grapple him (Right Analog Stick). You will bash his face against the door and open the car and The Boogeyman will be in the trunk!
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