X-Men: Days of Future Past Trailer: 10 Questions Raised
Fan nods, space-time quibbles and more

What's got Storm looking so scared?
MELODRAMATIC DELIVERY OF THROWAWAY LINES aside, Storm's traditionally a pretty calm cookie. It takes a lot to phase her.
So, this brief shot of her looking terrified out of her goard is pretty unnerving.
We'd put good money on it being a massive cloud of Sentinels flying towards her. In our version of the scene, she's just destroyed one of them and is feeling pretty good about herself, until she turns around and sees bloody loads of them.
Cue the end of the (future) X-Men.
Speaking of the Sentinels…

Where are the chuffing Sentinels?
The viral marketing has been pretty Sentinel heavy so far (just check out the head we saw at Comic-Con ), so why they chuff haven't they been put into the trailer?
Bryan Singer has said they're still working on the effects, which is why this trailer is more of a character piece than a CGI-athon, but come on - how long would it have taken to animate a massive purple foot slamming down onto the ground?

How will they introduce the new guys?
We can't stress this enough, there are SO MANY CHARACTERS in X-Men: Days Of Future Past. As well as reuniting with old / young versions of all of our friends, we get glimpses of Blink, Sunspot, Bishop and Warpath.
How on earth are they going to fit them in? Omar Sy is a brilliant actor, and Bishop is a fan-favourite character, so we doubt he's been cast for a cameo.
Perhaps he'll be introduced, and saved for a more major role in the sequel, which we've got a theory about. But we'll get to that in a minute.

How big a bad will Peter Dinklage be?
We only get a brief glimpse at Peter Dinklage in this trailer, and no dialogue (which is a massive shame - we can sort of forgive the lack of robots and explosions here, but not a single bit of Dinklage magic? For shame).
It makes us wonder if he's not going to be as significant to the story as we initially thought.
But we've got a feeling this is all building to another baddie…

Is this going to lead into Age Of Apocalypse?
So, Blink's in there, as is Bishop - two significant Age Of Apocalypse characters.
NON-NERD sidenote - for those unfamiliar, the Age Of Apocalypse was an enormous mid-90s X-Men comic saga in which the death of Professor X in the past led to a dystopian alternate reality in which evil villain Apocalypse ruled the world with a super-powered dictatorial fist.
Now, this is pure speculation, but imagine if we find out in a pre-credits scene that Apocalypse was behind the events of Days Of Future Past , Avengers -Thanos style.
If Fox want their own Avengers beater, that's a pretty solid way of guaranteeing fan frenzy as people leave theaters.

What's up with baby Professor X?
It looks like past Professor X is going into Days Of Future Past with a serious sad face.
Not only has he grown a beard of sorrow , but his older self can't stop going on about how upset he used to be (even when he's talking to himself).
Basically, he was looking for a job (leader of a mutant super-team), he found a job (by creating an arch-nemesis) and heaven knows he's miserable now (still, he's saving money on razors, which is a reason to cheer up a bit).
For further insight, just watch our recent video interviews with James McAvoy, who raved about playing Prof X, and in the Social Media interview below also revealed quite how 'bad-ass' his Professor X is going to be in DOFP.

Who's shooting Logan?
And are they chuffing idiots? We mean, come on!
"Guys, we need you to go and assassinate the indestructible mutant with healing powers. We've seen before that his body is able to spit out bullets like watermelon seeds. He's also got massive claws. Is that cool?"
"Claws you say? That'll be fine, we'll just take our guns. What a silly man, bringing claws to a gun fight."
We can't wait to see Wolvie go Beserker on these berks' asses.

Is Beast embracing his wild side?
In First Class , Beast initially struggled to hang onto his humanity, repressing his true mutant side. By the end of the movie, he'd resolved the conflict, deciding that blue is beautiful.
In the brief glimpse we get here, it appears that he's embraced the animal within - he looks more terrifying than Wolverine at his angriest.
We hope there's time in what has to be a pretty crowded collection of subplots for him to continue his journey.

How's Magneto pulling Mystique? And why?
Last time we saw Magneto and Mystique, they were getting on pretty well.
Here, it seems they're enemies. Has future Wolverine managed to convince past Mystique that being a human-hating terror-mutant probably isn't the best career plan, and she's rejoined the good guys?
One thing's for sure, Jennifer Lawrence is going to be front and centre of this one. Why? Mainly because she's Jennifer Lawrence.
Still, forget the why; what we want to know is how on earth Magneto's using his powers to pull Mystique along the ground? Has she left some change in her pockets?

How is Professor X talking to Professor X?
We imagine this is some sort of Cerebro-based mind-meldy thing, but we've got to ask - if old Professor X can communicate with young Professor X in this way, then why do they have to send back Wolverine?
And what about the space-time continuum? If Doc Brown shows up - and with the amount of characters in this thing, there's no reason that he shouldn't - he's not going to be pleased.
"It's your Runaways Wolvie! Something's got to be done about your Runaways!"
Sam Ashurst is a London-based film maker, journalist, and podcast host. He's the director of Frankenstein's Creature, A Little More Flesh + A Little More Flesh 2, and co-hosts the Arrow Podcast. His words have appeared on HuffPost, MSN, The Independent, Yahoo, Cosmopolitan, and many more, as well as of course for us here at GamesRadar+.