The 51 biggest games we expect to see at E3 2012
Get ready for E3 with a giant list of awesome games

What to expect from E3
Without further ado, here are the 51 biggest games we hope to see at E3...

Borderlands 2 (Xbox 360, PS3, PC)
hands-on time with Borderlands 2
Every time we see the game were blown away the new additions. The classes all look more fleshed-out than they were in the original, and the large, grotesque enemies were a blast to blow apart. Were hoping to get a chance to go hands-on with some of the other elements of the game at E3, maybe even checking out the vehicular combat, which weve heard good things about, but havent actually seen for ourselves.

Defiance (Xbox 360, PS3, PC)
From what weve seen in past trailers for Defiance, the gameplay appears to take some of the ideas that made Rift work (see: dynamic content) and mix them in with sci-fi vibe that reminds us, a little bit, of a Halo/Firefly hybrid. Will that actually end up being the case? We dont know, but we hope we find out at E3.

DmC (Xbox 360, PS3)
why DmC might actually be amazing
Wed love to see more of the story at E3, as well as get more insight into how this DmC universe differs from the universe where the beloved white-haired Dante lives. Are there any actual connections? Will Andy Serkis play a character in the game? There is so much we dont know, and with DmCs recent delay wed love some new info to hold us over.

DUST 514 (PS3)
DUST 514 worth paying attention to.
And yet, despite all of that were still interested. CCP knows that we and many others were unimpressed with the gameplay, and were really hoping that the developer has listened to the criticism and made it more fun. If CCP has turned things around were confident that the game might be worth paying attention to for any PS3 owner. If it hasnt? Well, were already giving it a second shot at a first impression, and were not sure were going to give it a third.

Grand Theft Auto V (Xbox 360, PS3, PC)
Besides doing some speculative research based on the GTA V trailer, we know very little about the game besides the location (San Andreas) and the protagonist (just kidding, we dont know anything about him), leaving plenty to be revealed at E3.

Hitman: Absolution (Xbox 360, PS3, PC)
Were really looking forward to getting more hand-on time with the game at E3, especially since so far we havent been too impressed with what weve seen. Weve liked it, thats for sure, and we absolutely loved the pre-order bonus Sniper Challenge, but it feels like we need more time with it before were able to completely form an opinion on the assassins latest journey.

Pikmin 3 (Wii U)
Its also a great example of a game that could benefit from having a majority of the HUD removed from the main screen and placed on the bottom one. Things like the sun timer and the Pikmin count could be taken away to free up screen real estate so that were able to see Pikmin for the Wii U in all of its HD glory.

Sleeping Dogs (Xbox 360, PS3, PC)
So whats left to see at E3? Likely nothing, but we dont care we seriously just want to play it some more. Jumping between cars in our latest demo was just plain fun, and getting more hands-on time with Sleeping Dogs might not be all that informative, but itll be fun, and thats all that matters.

Spec Ops: The Line (Xbox 360, PS3, PC)
Spec Ops is attempting to shock jaded, desensitized gamers
Weve already seen the singleplayer on a few occasions and even had a chance to check out Spec Ops multiplayer, so were hoping to get a look at something a little later in the game at E3. Then again, with a story-based shooter like Spec Ops, maybe itll be better to keep our distance from any spoilers.

Rayman Legends (Wii U, TBD)
A leaked Rayman Legends trailer shows off a new art style, some interesting gameplay quirks, and the ability to place objects on the Wii U controller to make them spawn in the game. We dont know how much of that was real and how much was concept, but were looking forward to finding out at E3.

PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale (PS3)
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale preview.
Still, curiosity is going to keep us coming back for more. We expect at least two to three big announcements in terms of new characters at E3, and being able to play as non-Nintendo mascots makes this worth paying attention to. Plus, theres always a chance theyll include a mode that doesnt focus so completely on those super moves, so heres hoping!

Infinity Blade: Dungeons (iOS)
Early reports are that it finally takes the Infinity Blade concept and evolves it past the traditional swipe-based gameplay into a more fleshed-out experience. No longer are you limited to cutting through a gauntlet of enemies on your path to inevitable death. The Dungeons in the name is literal, and were excited to see for ourselves what that means when we try it out ourselves at E3.

God of War: Ascension (PS3)
God of War: Ascensions surprise multiplayer mode
The first trailer for Ascension hinted that the prequel would tell of a time where Kratos wasnt a giant ball of emotion, and were definitely excited to see that in action. We also want to know exactly how far back the series is going to wander are we going to see a pre-Blades of Chaos Kratos? Or is this going to take place right after he gets them? Well hopefully know next week.

Assassin's Creed III (Xbox 360, PS3, Wii U, PC)
Ever since Assassins Creed III's revolutionary new setting leaked in February, fans and press alike have been clamoring for details about this new American outing. Yes, Assassins Creed III is set during the American Revolution, Benjamin Franklin and all, but it wont be ditching the series continuity. The developers have promised that present-day Desmond will have his biggest role yet.
It may be the American Revolution, but that first Assassins Creed III gameplay trailer almost had us feeling bad for the British. Wearing bright red coats in a snow covered forest, they didnt stand much of a chance against a stealthy foe stalking them from above. Misplaced feelings of pity aside, were hoping to do a little stalking of our own at E3 2012.

Tomb Raider (Xbox 360, PS3, PC)
When we saw Tomb Raider at E3 2011, it blew us away. The game was dark and brutal, with the most human take on Lara Croft wed ever seen. Now that its E3 time once again, is it too much to hope that Square Enix will let us take this triple AAA reboot for a spin with some hands-on play time? Heres to hoping well get the chance.
Our E3 2011 interview with Brian Horton got us even more excited for this gritty take on a vulnerable Lara Croft. Marooned on a deadly island after a harrowing shipwreck, this Lara is not some pithy action hero. Her dual pistols and sunglasses have been replaced with a bow and arrow and some tattered bandages. We cant wait to get down and dirty with Laras desperate new struggle at E3.

Rock Band Blitz (XBLA, PSN)
Also: it has Rick Astleys Never Gonna Give You Up as a playable track. If you cant appreciate that for all its glory, please excuse yourself and take a serious look at your life and moral values.

Torchlight II (PC)
Were hoping to see more of the games class mechanics at E3; the best case scenario would be a full reveal of all the spells that the Beserker, Engineer, Outlander, and Embermage classes will wield. Runic might wait a little longer til the D3 hype cools off, but were stoked to see more of Torchlight II.

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance (3DS)
The new worlds based on TRON: Legacy and The Hunchback of Notre Dame are looking dang nice, and were certain theyll look even better on the crystalline 3DS screen. If you see footage of us singing Hikaru Utadas Sanctuary while dreamily roaming the E3 showfloor, this game is the cause.

ArmA III has all of these things
One thing were most excited for at E3 is talking to the developer of the Day Z mod, a zombie nation ArmA II mod thats taken the games community by storm. You best believe well be picking his brain about his plans for A3s robust modding tools and mission editor.

Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (360, PS3)
After reconnecting with our favorite Tekken faces in their recent bout with the Street Fighter crew, were psyched to see how these pugilists fight on their own turf. Were looking to forge a team-up between the adorable android Alisa Bosconovitch with that haymaker-hurling boxer Steve Fox. And hey maybe well even catch a glimpse of some good old-fashioned Tekken Bowling2.

Darksiders II (360, PS3, PC, Wii U)
Though weve already covered a sizeable chunk of the game, we cannot get enough of the grandiose boss fights; were hoping to get more hands-on slaying time with one the colossal baddies that guard each dungeon. Anything that brings Shadow of the Colossus to mind has got to be good.

Dead or Alive 5 (PS3, 360)
stage designs and bonus costumes
After getting a taste of the game with the Ninja Gaiden 3 Collectors Edition demo, weve been itching to see more of the games roster at E3 and that includes any and all Virtua Fighter cameos, a crossover which we approve of wholeheartedly.

SimCity (PC)
Once the go-to playing god/mayoral simulator, the SimCity franchise has become somewhat splintered in the last decade. Console titles like SimCity Societies and SimCity Creator were slick, accessible games, but lacked the depth of past entries. A new SimCity game needs to feel fresh yet classic, a unified standard for this beloved series.
EA and Maxis understand that, which is why the upcoming SimCity is confirmed to be a reboot with a unique art style, all built around the brand new Glassbox engine. Its also been confirmed that this SimCity will have cooperative and competitive multiplayer mode, but before you old school SimCity purists start raging, remember that this SimCity will be PC only. We cant wait to get out hands on that mouse and keyboard at E3 this year!

Acid Ghost (Wii U)
Just as the name would suggest, details about Nintendos Wii U game Acid Ghost are downright ethereal, but from what weve heard, it sounds like one hell of a trip. Rumor has it that players will assume the role of a ghost haunting a cruise ship. Itll be your task to haunt the AI passengers, driving them up the wall and possibly even overboard.
Will it be a horror game, or just a bunch of spooky pranks? We dont know yet, but supposedly its an attempt to court a more mature audience for the new Wii U console. For E3 2012, Nintendo has hired Eminem to present Acid Ghost, via pre-recorded video. Luigis Mansion this aint!

PlanetSide 2 (PC)
We already know a ton about the game. We know that it will have a day and night system and a backstory by comic writer Marv Wolfman, and we also know that Planetside 2 will be PC only. We're still interested in learning more, though, and we'll be sure to let you know what we find from our time with the game at E3.

Epic Mickey 2 (Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, PC)
Epic Mickey 2 was accidentally revealed
When we heard Epic Mickey 2 was on the way, we started speculating about the Lost Disney Worlds we wanted to see in Epic Mickey 2, and getting excited to see what this iteration would do differently.
The sequel is promising drop-in, drop-out co-op and a revamped camera system, both of which should help make the game work better on a technical level. As our Epic Mickey 2 preview confirms, this second outing will be a true HD title, coming to Xbox 360 and PS3, not just the Wii. No matter what version is at E3 this year, this is one Mousecapade we cant miss.

Dead Space 3 (Xbox 360, PS3, PC)
If the rumors are true (and it really, really looks like they are) were curious just how right our predictions were in Dead Space 3 - What we want from Visceral's Dead Space sequel. We're hoping they were all right. It was our wishlist, after all.

Fire Emblem: Awakening (3DS)
Given that the game is coming to the UK, E3 seems like the perfect time to reveal the game for the US and give the series another chance in English-speaking countries. The game will be especially if Nintendo wants to use its ample amounts of DLC to prove the publishers new commitment to online.

Luigis Mansion 2 (3DS)
When we went hands-on with Luigi's Mansion 2 at E3 we were impressed how well it recreated the ghost busting gameplay of the original on the much smaller screen. We anticipate seeing new levels, features, characters and a whole lot of whimpering from Luigi when we see it again this year.

Super Mario Wii U (Wii U)
Nintendo/Miyamoto confirm new Mario game for E3 reveal
But will we get a new 3D Mario thats a true successor to the Galaxy games or will it be another 2D entry in the New Super Mario Bros franchise? Or something new altogether? Either way, were curious to see how it will embrace the Wii Us specific talents. And most interesting of all, will this game be ready for the Wii Us launch, making it the first original Mario to launch a home console since 1996?

New Super Mario Bros 2 (3DS)
Were looking forward to seeing the game in motion, as so far weve only seen a handful of screens despite the fact that itll be out in August. We cant wait to see how the returning Raccoon Mario power works or what other new concepts the series has in store. And since Nintendo seems poised to make New Mario 2 its first day and date downloadable title, just what other online features will the game have?

Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (PS3)
In our most recent preview (Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch hands-on with the achingly pretty Studio Ghibli/Level-5 RPG) we were at least impressed visually, but how many new gameplay ideas does this early 2013 title have to go with its good looks? And it should be noted that the response in Japan was good, but it wasnt the resounding success many expected.

Paper Mario 3D (3DS)
Despite being unveiled at E3 2010, the 3D Paper Mario is one of 13 games we haven't seen since last year's E3, but itll almost certainly be at this years show. The real question is will it actually come out this year?

Resident Evil 6 (Xbox 360, PS3)
At E3 we hope to see more of each of the three separate stories and witness how heroes Leon, Chris and Wesker Jr work not only with each other, but also with their respective (we assume) co-op partners. Will the E3 demo build on the global settings and depth we saw in our recent Resident Evil 6 preview - RE-boot 2.0?? And what about the rumored multiplayer?

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (Xbox 360, PS3)
Featuring a new, impressively ridiculous name and a developer that seems impeccably suited for the game Platinum, creators of Vanquish and Bayonetta we already know the game will be there, according to director Kenji Saito, but just how much will be playable? Can this really be the perfect mash-up of Platinums hardcore action games with Kojimas remarkably dense stories? And is there a chance itll actually be out this year?

XCOM: Enemy Unknown (Xbox 360, PS3, PC)
extraterrestrial-exterminating tactics game
Also, the fact that were getting this jazzed to see a franchise at E3 2012 that started on the PC in 1994 is nothing short of awesome.

Animal Crossing 3DS (3DS)
We havent had an Animal Crossing game since 2008, so pardon our eagerness to get our hands on this new mobile entry in the series. Weve already discussed what we want to see from Animal Crossing 3DS, so this is one E3 2012 stop we wont be skipping.

FIFA 13 (Xbox 360, PS3, PC, Vita)
During our first-look presentation, we saw the blueprint for several of FIFA 13's tweaks and revamps, including the more realistic first touch, which will create more chaos (in the best way possible) on the pitch, as well as new takes on dribbles and defense. We don't know that EA will reveal everything at E3 (traditionally, all of the information regarding online features and Manager Mode get revealed in late summer), but at the very least, we'll get to play it and feel the difference in gameplay fundamentals for ourselves.

Star Fox Wii U (Wii U)
We have some high hopes for Star Fox on Wii U. Mostly, we're hoping that a majority of the action will take place in Arwings and Landmasters, rather than on-foot a la Star Fox Adventures. Star Fox Wii U could take full advantage of the motion capabilities and touch screen on the Wii U tablet and maybe even set the precedent for how the controller is used in future games. Nintendo loves doing that.

Dishonored (Xbox 360, PS3, PC)
Its up to you. Add a unique world thats a cross between steam punk and Victorian England visual styles and youve got one of the most intriguing FPSs weve seen in years, and we cant wait to see more. We've already had a taste, checking out the game and writing a Dishonored preview, but we're ready to see other elements of the game in action at E3.

Halo 4 (Xbox 360)
For as excited as we are for the singleplayer information, we're even more hyped for multiplayer details. We've seen some Halo 4 multiplayer screens, but beyond that there have just been mumblings and rumors of multiplayer being plot-based, or something. Will 343 be making significant tweaks to the formula? We guess well have to wait and see... at E3!

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (Xbox 360, PS3, PC)
And weve only seen the story campaign so far! Zombies and the ever-popular multiplayer modes still havent seen the light of day, so well cross our fingers and hope to get a more in-depth look at E3. Come on, Left 4 Dead of Duty!

Far Cry 3 (Xbox 360, PS3, PC)
We're hoping to get more details on the story at E3, hopefully finding out exactly what turned this friendly vacationer into a knife-wielding killer. Our guess? Malaria. Oh, wait, no, they already did that...

Metro: Last Light (Xbox 360, PS3, PC)
Metro Last Light live-action trailer
Hopefully, well get to see more at this years E3 - we cant wait trudge around in the horrific post-apocalyptic underground. In preparation, were already stock-piling bullets.

Aliens: Colonial Marines (Xbox 360, PS3, PC, Wii U)
But whats even more awesome is the potential of seeing what the game looks like on the Wii U - we cant wait for the inevitable announcement that the new tablet controller will play the part of the motion detector. Just imagine standing in a dark hall as the radar pulse beeps faster and faster, not on the TV, but on the controller in your hands. Suddenly, you realize that it's too late! Theres an Alien right behind you! So scary.

Crysis 3 (Xbox 360, PS3, PC)
While you wait for E3 to roll around, check out everything we know about Crysis 3 in our Crysis 3 preview. And go watch Rambo. And The Predator. And... maybe Die Hard, or something.

Medal of Honor: Warfighter
We loved the multiplayer in the last Medal of Honor (as you can read in our Medal of Honor review), so were hoping we see the more Battlefieldy online skirmishes make a return and differentiate Warfighter from all the other Call of Dutys out there.

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 (3DS, TBA)
We're still expecting a Wii U, Xbox 360, or PlayStation 3 version of the game to be revealed at E3. Even if this is the only version, though, we're still excited to get some hands-on time, because we're definitely interested in seeing what Konami can do with a Castlevania game on Nintendo's handheld.

Lost Planet 3 (Xbox 360, PS3)
But dont get us wrong: Lost Planet wouldnt be Lost Planet without big ol bugs. Your battles against the Akrid are aided by a utility rig, a gigantic upgradable mining machine capable of going toe-to-toe with some of the games bigger bosses. Hopefully these elements (and a bunch more) are going to be shown off on the conference floor this year, because were jonesing for more bug-killing action, and were optimistic that LP3 will make up for LP2s disappointments.

Company of Heroes 2 (PC)
favorite real-time strategy games
Relic's next Company of Heroes game looks like it's taking everything we loved about the original and expanding upon it, making it immediately attractive to fans of the series (which, as we said before, we totally are). This, mixed with the new graphical style which brings the visuals up to 2012's standards, mean it's a game we can't wait to get our hands all over at E3.

The Last of Us (PS3)
And despite seeing it a few weeks ago (and being completely blown away when we wrote our Last of Us preview), we still don't know too much about it. How will it play? Is it similar to Uncharted? Is it something truly different? So many questions will hopefully be answered at E3 - we can't wait.

And that's just what we know so far
Anything we missed? Let us know in the comments below, and we'll be sure to add a few to the list based on your suggestions.
And if you're interested in more pre-E3 news, check out our predictions for Microsoft's press conference and the top 7 biggest, best, and most shocking E3 surprises.
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